(Chapter 2)(A Place for Barret)

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(Chapter 2)(A Place for Barret)

(Salem's p.o.v)

I was holding Barret in my arms. My phone began to ring. "Hey it's the old man". Jake says handing me my phone. I aswered the phone. 
"Yes baby?" I asked. "Hey, how is everything going back at home?" He asked. "Pretty good except we got a new lil' one". I say.
"What do you mean, I thought we agreed no more come in until Jay and Abby go". He says. "Well thanks a lot Dad." Jake says sarcastically. My husband chuckled hearing Jake fussing in the background. "So, where'd the kid come from?" He asked. "He was left on the door step". I say looking at Barrets green eyes. He was silent for a moment. "Not a weird as the way we found Heaven". He says speaking of how we found one of our foster kids. I shook my head. "Mail box, worst place to find a baby". I say. "Not sure what her parent was thinking". I say.
"But uh, anyway, Barret is here and I guess I'll take all these wild ones to the store and get Barret a crib.""or bassinet, which one you think?" I asked. "Crib, don't want the pits to lick him to death". He says. I laughed. "You think people kind of look at us funny for having pit bulls and babies?" I say setting Barret down on the couch so he could stretch out his little arms and legs. "Since when do you give a damn about what other people think?" He says. I sat down beside where Barret lay watching curiously at the ceiling fan. "I don't know darling I just feel I'm not doing this whole foster thing right". I say. "Baby your doing just fine, beside you need to be mentally preparing for the store trip tomorrow". He says. "Ugh, I know, and um I invited Brantley to the house to have dinner with me and the kids.""is this okay with you?". I say, not looking forward to my trip to the store with all 6 kids. I was also nervous about how my husband would feel about an old flame coming over. "That's fine baby, just be careful""...Well I gotta go". He says. "Love you". I say. "I love you too, I'll be home in four days". He says. "Can't wait". I say grinning. I was so ready for him to come home. "Come on kiddo, let's go to bed before the sun come up". I say to Barret picking him up into my arms. On my way out of the living room I grabbed the note from his mother, to put it a special box for him.

I carried my new son into my room, laying him down on my bed. Knowing how dangerous it was to co sleep so young. He was so drowsy. It was defiantly a long ride here with his mother. I opened my closet and got out my daughter Clementine's old bassinet. "Come on, let's get you into bed". I say. I set it up and placed him in it. I tucked him in gently. "Night kiddo". I say. I grabbed my camera and took his picture. This would go with his note.
I kissed his little forehead. "Daddy's gonna love you". I say. "Well little Barret, I think we have a place for you". I say to the sleeping child.

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