
54 3 0

Beaten bruised
Mistreated and abused.
You'd live in fear
Of what they'd do.

They'd take their anger out on you
Because you couldn't fight back,
What a cowardly move.

You protected your brother
by any means.
You took his beatings
You silenced his screams.
For he was to young to see.
Too young to understand.

You don't talk about your past
Cause it doesn't seem real to you.
It all happened fast
There was nothing you could do.
You blame yourself for what they did
But what could you do you were only a kid.

Then you started harming yourself
Refused the fact that you needed help
Your brother is gone
You won't see him again
This feels so wrong
You feel so upset.

What they did to your brother
Makes you sick
They molested him
When he was six
You can't bare the pain of knowing this
So you take a blade to your wrist

You know it won't solve things
But you do it regardless
You don't care how bad it stings
Your sleeves are now stained scarlet

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