04. The agreement

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"Here, you broke it" Taehyung quipped behind him, his head poking out of his apartment a gleeful smile plastered across his face. Jimin turned back and considered the alpha who hadn't moved for minutes already, a stunned expression similar to that of a deer caught in the headlights of a  car.

He cursed when he checked his watch and ten minutes had already passed. He began to worry that perhaps he went a bit too hard on the poor thing. He's cute though, the dazed look suited him well.

He jumped horrified at the course that had taken his thoughts. Alphas were despicable and this one was no different even if he's sexy and cute at the same time.

He huffed, annoyed.

"Do you think we should call the hospital?" he looked over his friend. Taehyung had approached in the meantime and was now just a few feet away from him.

His friend hummed but before he could reply JK came back to his
senses, snorting like a wet horse. He burst into laugh.

It's all incongruous and jimin stifled a whiff of irritation.

Was he mocking him?

"He's cute though." whispered Tae in his ear but he's not in the mood.

He scoffed. His friend chuckled.

"You can't deny it." He ignored him, marching down to the laughing alpha who hiccuped, surprised then flinched back until his back hit the wall.

His breathing quickened, cheeks blushing.

"Look at me." The omega's voice vibrated with command. Reluctantly he obeyed and his gaze sunk deep inside the latter's. It's like being swept away by a cyclone. He forgot to breathe and had to scramble around in his memory to remember how it's done.

His heart pounded harder than ever in his chest. His cheeks reddened because he knew he wouldn't missed the obvious effect he'd on him and why would someone as gorgeous as him would wanted someone like him as a mate? it just didn't make any
senses and the more he thought about it felt like a joke. It saddened him because even though they had just met and probably won't be seeing each others again once he'd admit that he'd been making fun of him, at
the prospect of not seeing the magnificent omega again something crushed inside of him

"I-its not funny" he stammered.

The omega had then the strangest reaction because instead of looking annoyed he reached out to touch him, smiling. His adorable eyes crinkled, forming beautiful crescents and he felt like he's about to combust.

"It's not, I swear." He assured him, eyes boring in his. "So what do you think?" his slender fingers sliding along his torso and to his abs.The contact lasted for a second, maybe less but it's all it took to make him lose his mind a bit but he paused, something didn't seem right.

"Why me?"

He'd thought the inexperienced alpha would just give in after he'd played a
bit with him after all they're simple creatures. Always driven by theirs libidos rather than theirs brains. He didn't want to admit he was starting to lose patience. Perhaps this was a bad idea afte all. Slaughtering his family didn't seem like such a bad idea now more if it spared him having to deal with an alpha, whoever he's. He couldn't care less if this one was particular cute in cloaked by all this childish naivety ans hid an amazing body under his ridiculous outfits that he couldn't help fantasizing about ever since he touched him.

He chased out the thoughts. Alphas were off limits. Imagining one laying a finger on him made him shiver with disgust. He'd never slept with one, only a few betas because they're less domineering even if they were also a lot less gifted down here but big dicks goes in pair with enormous egos
and alphas had both so he'd pass.

"What if we step in and drink something while?" interjected Taehyung sensing something wrong with his bestfriend and his neighbour.

"No." cut off jimin. "My birthday is in october. I have until then to find a mate."  tone abrasive and curt.

"So you wanted someone to fake being your mate?" let out the alpha, frowning.

He sighed and shrugged.

"Yes that's pretty much it." he confessed bcos what's the point." He turned fully to face him. "I'm filthy rich, I can give you everything you want, just say it." he bargained hating the desperate edge his voice took.

Jungkook looked away, unable to sustain the latter's burning gaze. He ignored the pinch in his heart. His suspicions were right after all but he's still disappointed. Impossible someone like him would like someone as shy as him. He wasn't a true alpha.

He scraped the back of his head. The best thing to do was again to say no and move on. No need to accept his offer because in the end he'd be the one getting hurt but his heart clenched at the idea of not seeing him again but he wasn't comfortable with accepting money in exchange of acting like his mate. Why even would someone as gorgeous as him would wanted a fake mate? There's somthing he didn't understand under there but if they're to interact he wanted to have an honest shot with him. It's then like someone had switched on the light in his brain. He suddenly understood that if he's acting like an idiot was becaude he liked the omega.

He regretted that Seokjin and Yoongi hyungs were out and as always thinking about them made him. They're the most important people in his life after all. He shook his head.

"No, i have everything I want but thank you." and it's so easy to say it because it's the truth. He wasn't worried anymore he'd taken his decision and it'd be up to the omega. "Honestly I don't really get why you'd need a fake mate and why it has to be me but i'm not comfortable with all this." He'd never said as many words at the same times to the omega who looked taken aback. He continued. "I'm willing to help you though at the condition that you give us an honest shot at getting to know each other because eventhough we don't really know each other I think I like you and would like to date you for real." His little speech done, he stared at the other man and gulped down anxiety rising when the latter had an expression of stupefaction on his face and wasn't moving nor talking.

But he jolted out quickly and shot him a glare, the alpha turned for help to
Taehyung but the latter was stunned too. His gaze travelled back to jimin. The omega looked furious. There's yellow in his eye now.

"Shit, Did you think we're on love island*?" he cackled.

He sighed, disappointed.

"100 million of you favourite currency That's all the efforts I'm willing to put." He crossed his arms over his chesh and glared at the younger alpha.

He had  the guts to sigh.

"No, I don't want your money." He retreated inside his apartment. "Goodbye." as he closed the door, the omega's surprised look the last thing he saw.

Park couldn't believe what just happened. Did that stupid alpha slammed the door on his face even after he offered him 1 billion
to play his mate in front of his stupid clan? he  needed someone to pinch him because no way this happened.

His bestfriend burst into laugh, folded in two.

"I can't" he stuttered between laugh, leaned against the wall.

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