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I sighed in disapproval, standing my ground as the rest of the crowd disbursed. Little Chuck walked over to me, I looked down at him and gave him a small smile. The Greenie looked back at us and I crossed my arms, eyeing him with my eyebrows raised. He walked to the wall and sat down with his back against it. Chuck, ever so loyal, followed suit. The Green Bean kept his eyes on the ground, fingers pulling out strands of grass.

"We're not here to be mean to you or hurt you," I said, looking down at him, "life is precious down here, so when those doors are open," I squat down to his level and he looked up at me with guarded brown eyes, "you stay the Hell away, you understand?"

I stood up and walked away, making my way back to the garden. We had more wood to cut for the bonfire tonight, and it would be a good way to release my frustration. Gally and I were both angry people by nature, it was the biggest personality trait we both shared. However, where Gally was very vocal about his anger, unafraid to show it, I was more reserved, taking it out through work and with Newt. I didn't like acting irrationally, I preferred analyzing the situation and acting accordingly.



The Greenie sat by himself, back to the party. He leaned against a log away from the crowd, looking out at the large walls encasing the group in their green prison. Boys were dancing around a large bonfire, booming laughter and loud voices filling the clearing. He wasn't brooding on his own for long. A familiar blonde boy with an accent he could only define as "British", whatever the Hell that meant. Newt made himself comfortable beside the Green Bean, a cup of strange yellow liquid in his hand.

"Hell of a first day, Greenie. Here," He held out the glass, "Put some hair on your chest."

The curious Greenie took the cup. Looking into it for a second, he decided to take a swig.

"Oh," He coughed violently, the vile liquid burning his throat, "Oh my God! What is that?" He managed to choke out.

Newt chuckled, looking at the glass, "I don't even know. It's Gally's secret recipe, it's a trade secret."

"Yeah, well," The boy tore at the grass between his legs, "He's still an asshole."

"He saved your life today," Newt's tone turned serious, "Trust me, the Maze is a dangerous place."

"We're trapped here," The new kid said, despair in his voice, "Aren't we?"

"For the moment, but..." Newt twisted around, pointing through the tall flames at a group of boys directly across from them, "You see those guys? There, by the fire?"

The Green Bean nodded, he recognized one of them, the one who had said hello to Chuck earlier that day.

"Those are the runners. That guy in the middle there, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners," Newt's voice sounded a bit forlorn, almost affectionate as he spoke next, "Every morning, when those doors open, they run the maze... mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out."

"How long have they been looking?" The brunette boy asked, curious.

"Three years," Newt said, tone a bit harder than before as he looked away.

"And they haven't found anything?" The new arrival was beyond startled, three years? How was that even possible?

Newt scoffed, "It's a lot easier said than done," He motioned for silence, and the Greenie complied, "Listen."

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