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I sat on a stool in the Medical Hut, Newt perched on an opposing one. He dabbed the blood and dirt off my arm lightly with a wet cloth, left hand holding my arm steady. I flinched at a particularly harsh sting, but Newt didn't stop focusing on his task, merely wiping in softer strokes. He let out a heavy sigh, face contorted into the deep frown that was present on his face more often than not those days.

"You alright?" I murmured, handing him the gauze we had to wrap my arm.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" He replied, carefully bandaging, not meeting my gaze.

"Wounds heal," He looked up at me, holding my arm lightly in his palms.

"Some scar."

"Some," I agreed.

"No one knows what happened, Ben's talking in riddles," Newt explained, frustrated, "He won't tell us one bloody thing about why he attacked Thomas."

"It's the Changing, it's not really Ben anymore," I looked away, focusing on my arm, "He doesn't deserve this, no one deserves to be banished. I know he'll just get worse, but..."

"I know, no one will blame you if you don't go," I shook my head.

"He was my friend too," I replied, defeated, "I'll watch over Chuck, this is something he doesn't need to be a part of."


I stood between Eric and Lee as Ben was dragged out to the Doors. I kept my arms crossed and face neutral, but I felt a twinge of guilt. Ben wasn't a Runner, he had volunteered to go out and help out Minho after one of our other runners was nursing a badly sprained ankle. Ben was a Builder, but the best candidate to be a substitute Runner next to myself and I had let him go off and take the job because I knew it would make Newt and Gally too anxious. It could just as easily have been me, and I'll admit, I would have rather it been me than him.

Ben's arms were curled awkwardly behind his head, fastened securely by thick ropes. Minho led the boy out, dragging a Runner's sack on the ground behind him. Ben walked on unsteady feet and when Minho let go of the ropes behind him, Ben fell to his knees, showing that Minho had been the one keeping him upright. Taking out a knife, Minho sliced the ropes, freeing Ben's hands.

Ben teetered forward and his hands shot out to catch him. He trembled there for a moment, looking around at all of us gathered there, watching him.

"Just listen to me. Just, please, listen to me!" He begged, tears and snot streaming down his pale face, "Please, Minho!"

Instead of replying, Minho stepped back. He had tossed the sack into the maze where it rest not far from the doors. It would be the only means of survival Ben would get. I stepped forward, if no one else was going to do it, then I would. I owed it to him.

"Hunter, Hunter please, you know I didn't mean it." He whispered frantically at me as I walked forward. I squatted down in front of him, holding a small knife out to him, which he took with shaking hands.

"I know, Ben," He looked at me with hope, but I simply looked at him sadly, "But there's nothing I can do."

"Hunter?" He asked, but I had already stood up and made my way back to the Keepers.

"Ben of the Builders, you've been sentenced to Banishment for the attempted murder of Thomas the Newbie," He looked around frantically as I spoke, "The Keepers have spoken, and their word ain't changing, and you're not coming back. Ever."

"No, please. Please, don't, Gally please! Alby!"

The breeze rushed through the Maze Doors and it was time. I took one last look at Ben before walking away. I walked between the Keepers and over to Chuck who stood on the outskirts of the group near Thomas who was watching the events in horror.

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