Natsu x reader English version

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Natsu x reader (english)

Name: (y/n)(y/ln)

Years old: 16 years old

Type of magic: Copy Magic (these magic was teached by your Dragon Crysta, how the name of the magic says you're going to copy every type of magic, even the Dragon Slayers)

You like: food, play until you get out of energy and that her friends or nakamas are leak to the guild

You dislike: that one of your friend betray the guild or between them, you hate to be isolated, see that someone of her friends cry.

The past of (y/n)
Long time ago, when you still had 9 years old, you arrive to the city of Magnolia, you were tired and your jewels (or money in these case) were in hands of other people, that was because some people steal it from your pocket, but at least you have your exceed, your exceed has dark blue hair, but her eyes were black, like the sky in the night, that almost you feel that one day you will be lost in them. You and your exceed we're walking around Magnolia, but then your legs stop and you felt on the ground, you were in the middle of the street, your little friend try to help you, but it was impossible, because he was in the same conditions as you, then......."oi! Happy! Wait we still have to go to the guild!" Far away you listen a voice, but it wasn't only that voice, you recognize some more "Natsu! Wait! We have to go and give the report to the Master and......hey! What's that in the middle of the street?" It was another voice it was a little slightly hoarse voice than the first voice "oh God it a kid! Hurry up, we have to carry her to the guild" 'this voice is too high' you though "Natsu, Gray I need that you give this news to the guild and Lucy, Wendy I need that you help me to do a little bed with some of my things, I'll carry her in my back" it was a voice that sounds that have a lot of authority, I deduce that it was the boss of the little group of these kids "Erza there's no time to go to the guild, I will carry her" the you saw some parts of a pink hair were in the middle of your sight, and before you can figure out, you passed out....

~travel on time till you wake up~ \(^.^')/
light blinded you to the top! but you felt you were in something soft .... it was a bed .... wait what? .... A BED! jumped so fast as if you were an insect that it was almost dying in the eight hands of a spider (ok, there's nothing more on earth that I'm scared of, so I put these sorry xD) Wow! Those sure are quick reflexes" you turn to the right and you see a boy with a white scarf and pink hair "who are you?" "Ossu! My name is Natsu Dragneel and your name is?......" Say the boy with pink hair "My name is (y/n).....(y/n)(l/n)" you answer with a low voice, but you said it with a tone that he can listen, but he answer you "Nice to meet you (y/n)! You're in Fairy Tail, so what type of magic do you use?" The true is that you thought that if you tell him what type of magic do you use, he will treat you as a strange kind of bug as the other people do, so you said to him "If I tell will kick me out of here as many others do" you tell him that, but the only thing he do was smile and tell you "no in Fairy Tail, here everyone is family, and we protect our family" then you smile and your start to cry of happiness, wait a! The you start to search your exceed and start screaming her name "BLACK! Where are you?! BLACK!" At the same time you saw that some type of little ball with dark blue hair was flying to your direction at high speed, and the it catch in a little but big hug with a big wave of love "(y/n)! Are you alright? You slept for 2 days! You know what? They have delicious food and they are kind too. Also I meet more "people" like me! Maybe here is people like you! Also we don't have to run away again!" Natsu saw you with a worry face, then you saw him and the tears start to flow again, they were happy tears but also sad tears, you were tired, but you the determination to go and tell him your type of magic, also you want to be part of the guild that save your life "first I can be......part of the guild? And then I will tell you my type of magic, right?" He made a move with his head telling me 'Yes!' And with a bright smile "of course you can join Fairy Tail, but we have to go with the Master and Mira, they have to put the guild mark after that" you took his hand and then you go outside of the nurse room with him, then you were in the stairs one by one you and Natsu were going down, and immediately you hide yourself at the back of Natsu, at first you fell scary that someone will hurt you, but everyone was asking "are you alright?" Or "you're going to join Fairy Tail, right? Oh! Come on! It will be a shame that a little beautiful girl like you wouldn't be in Fairy Tail!" You smile and only nodded with your head, finally you arrive with the Master, you never expect that the Master was.......little " I'm the master of Fairy Tail, the Master Makarov, and I see that you want to join Fairy Tail, the only thing that I'm going to say is.........WELCOME TO FAIRY TAIL KID! Hahahaha, everyone! Let's celebrate that (y/n) it's part of this family!" Everyone cheered you and then a girl came were you and your exceed where "where do you want the guild mark and what color?" She was a girl with silver hair and you point to (any part of your body & your favorite color) you answer, at first you though that it could be painful, but it wasn't, you only felt something cold and then nothing, you check out and then you notice the guild mark \(*^*)/

A/N: ok, I know my grammar is THE WORST! Hope you understand of my fanfic, please tell me what's right, and what's wrong, you can help a lot! Hope you enjoy this story love ya'

Natsu x reader English versionWhere stories live. Discover now