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So, I'm in Jamaa Township, trying to trade, when someone appears in my den. So, I, being a jerk, wait until they leave, right? But they don't. They start spamming my Jam-A-Grams. "Meet me in your den!" And "Come to your den", and my resolve was overpowered by this person.

So I go in, and they try to get me to Aj-mate with them.

BTW, I despise AJ mating, it should be destroyed. This is a children's game that I still play for some odd reason...? and it should be treated as such.

So I say (coz they're a girl) that I'm a girl, and usually people care about that, but they happen to not.

Okay, so I call over my sister, who hates Aj mating maybe more than me, and I shoo them off. My sister, meanwhile, is dressed like a guy. She's in Aldan, waiting for the mating girl to come back.

And she does. She waits until she's in her den (which isn't long) and gets her username, which I, in my disgust, did not get. And what she does is she goes on a ton of extra accounts and she reports her on every. Single. One.

And we think she got banned because we never saw her again. But Aj mating isn't. Cri.

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