Human Interaction

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June fell to the ground. "Oww" Rubbing her head, she looks up to see what, or rather who, she ran into.

There was a tall, skinny man. Seemingly around June's age. His hair was a deep brown but the top was dyed a un-naturally bright shade of green. He looked half frightened and half concerned as he looked down at her.
"Are you ok? I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you up."

"Oh no, you're fine. Don't worry."
He takes her right hand in his and supports her elbow with his left hand, pulling her to her feet.

Her eyes are so beautiful. He thought to himself.

"Umm, Are you in a rush?" She asked.

"Oh crap! My music class!" He says rushing to pick up the entanglement of dropped papers and books.

Where is he from? He has a bit of an accent but I can't place it. "Oh, then you best get to class."

"Alright," he says as he hands June her books she dropped. "Oh umm, I didn't catch your name?"

"June, June Vanover. And you?

"I'm Ja- er Seán Mcloughlin."

"It was nice meeting you Seán." At this point June's anxiety was reaching an all time high. But she tried to keep it together to avoid any questions asked. She began to turn away.

"Wait,. Umm I'm kinda new here. And umm. Well,. I don't really know this area well,."

"You mean like the college?"

"Well, that to. But I'm from Ireland so I don't know much about,.." he rubs the back of his neck shyly. His face getting slightly red.

"Wait, your asking me to give you a tour, aren't you?" She lightly chuckles. Her nerves causing her voice to tremble.

"Uh, I guess I am? Unless your busy or something! I mean, I don't wanna intrude on you if you have plans or anything.." he says as he try's to explain himself. He looks away and fidgets with his fingernails.

Oh gosh. I don't know if I can do this. Just stay calm. He's asking for help. You can help him. "When do you wanna meet? I don't have any classes for the rest of the day?"

His eyes light up and a smile forms across his face. "Really? Umm, well this class lasts about an hour. Are you free around 12?"

"Yea, sure. Do you wanna meet near the administrations office?"

"That's fine, I'll see you there?"

"Yea,." she smiles then turns to walk away. It's fine. You've got this. You can deal with human interaction for one day.

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