Where Do You Wanna Start?

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It was almost 12:00pm. June's nervousness made her want to be early. So she didn't have to worry about feeling late. The problem is she was 20 minutes early. Now shes setting in the administration lobby as people watch and wonder what she is doing there.
Unbeknownst to her, she began to space out. Seán comes up beside her and begins talking, scaring her out of her seat. She hit the floor with a thud.

"Well this seems familiar." He says chuckling to himself, recalling their first meeting as he pulls her back onto the seat. She laughs a little. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"T-that's fine. Oh gosh,." She buries her face in her hands. Her anxiety began to beat into her mind. She was trying, without success, to get herself together.

"Hey? Are you ok?"

"Y-yea, I'm fine. I just- it's nothing." She sets up and looks at him, still kinda shaky. "Where do you wanna start?"

"We don't have to do this if your not feeling well."

"I'll be fine. This happens all the time.."

"Ok?.. umm, how are you on coffee?"

"Coffee? That's just about all I drink. There's a little 24/7 café down the road. Do you wanna start there?"

"Sounds great,." He said with a small smile. They stood up and began their journey.

June was describing each building or place as they made there way to the café. She lived in London all her life so she knows a little to much about everything. Seán didn't seem to mind though. He walked along listening intently and occasionally asking questions or making statements when he found something confusing or interesting.
As for June, she was calm. She wasn't scared. She wasn't anxious. She was calm. Wait, I hardly even know this guy. How am I so calm? Why him? It's not that I'm complaining though. This feels... nice? Yea, nice!
They talked all they way there. Learning more about the area and about each other. When they made it to the café Seán held open the door for June and they went to the counter to order.

"I've never been here before so what would you recommend?" Séan looked down to June.

"Umm, the caramel macchiato is pretty good. That's what I usually get."

"Humm, sounds tempting." He turned around to the cashier "Two caramel macchiatos please!"

"Wait, I can get mine."

"No don't worry about it. I was the one suggested coffee anyway." He smiles down at her and she looks back at him worryingly. "Trust me. I got this!"

"Ok, but just this time." She smiles and points up at him.

"Deal" he says as they grab the coffees and head for a booth.

They set there and talked until late into the night. Smiling and laughing and having the time of their life. As it got dark they realized they hadn't even seen the majority of the town but it was to late so Seán decided to walk June home.

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