Chapter 3: Daycare

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It was 6am in the swift house, Taylor opened her eyes and yawned. Riley was fast asleep cuddling Taylor tightly. The blonde smiled softly and began to stroke Riley's hair gently, "Riley.... Ri, time to wake up"

Riley shifted slightly pushing her face further into the pillows beside Taylor. "Ri I know you can hear me.... come on we can go get breakfast from I-hop?" Taylor whispered in Riley's ear softly tickling her neck. Riley squirmed to the other side of the bed "no." She muttered into the pillow.

"Ri baby, I have to go to work today.... and your gonna go to daycare... you will make sooo many new friends and you will be able to play alllll day!!" Taylor said putting emphasis on the word play.

Riley looked up at Taylor and stuck her bottom lip out pouting but still sat up getting ready to get out of the bed. "Good girl" Taylor said kissing Riley's head. After picking out clothes for Riley and dressing her then dressing herself Taylor loaded Riley into the car and drove to the nearest ihop to Riley's daycare.

"Riley it's your big day today are you excited?" Riley nodded in response "mommy can i take my bear with me to s-school?" Riley asked holding her bear close. "You have to promise not to loose him? You will be upset if something happens to him" Taylor said smiling at Riley, riley was so much like Taylor and Taylor loved it!

"Will I be able to draw? And paint? And play with other people?" Taylor nodded at each question then started to tickle Riley "to too many questions chill out!" Taylor watched how excited riley was while she drove and listened to the child's plans on playing all day and painting her a picture.

When they walked into the IHOP Taylor saw the staff and customers begin to stare and looked down at Riley who was suddenly standing closer to Taylor gripping her hand tighter "m... mommy?- e-e-everyone is looking at us" she said all scared and worked up. "That's okay baby.... mommy's got you" Taylor said lifting Riley up and held her close to her chest, "I got you!" She said kissing Riley's temple while sitting in her seat.

"Hello welcome to IHOP, can I take your drinks order please- oh and my name is Melissa...." the waitress said holding her notepad, "uh yes please- can I have a black coffee and a apple juice please?" Taylor said smiling softly.

Mommy- mommy can I have icecream for breakfastttttt because it's my big day?" Riley said looking at Taylor with a cheeky grin. Taylor smirked, wow her child was using her words against her."Nope! You can have pancakes though" she said softly stroking Riley's hair while pointing at the pancakes on the menu. Riley modded passively "okay mommy" Taylor ordered their breakfast and was making small talk with the waitress.

"I love your music!! I'm so exited for your new album! RED DESERVED A GRAMMY" the girl was fangirling so bad and Riley was getting scared gripping into Taylor's jumper. "Can I please take a selfie with you???" The waitress asked producing a phone" " Oh thank you- of course I'll take a selfie with you!" Taylor took the girls phone and posed for a selfie with her. "Aww Riley is the cutest ever! I get so excited when you post photos of her on Twitter!" The girl laughed looking at Riley then back at Taylor, "thank you-" Taylor was then cut off by the girls manager calling her to see to another table.

After breakfast Taylor drove Riley to her daycare and dropped her off and was so proud that the child happily followed her teacher indoors with out a fight! Taylor drove to the studio and was recording. The time in the studio melted away so fast it was as though as soon as she sat down and began singing it was time to pack up and pick Riley up.

Taylor stood in the playground with all the other expectant parents smiling. When the teacher brought the kids outside to be collected by the parents Riley ran over to Taylor and wrapped her arms around her legs gripping to her. "Woah there tiger! Slow down baby!!" Taylor said stroking her hair and lifting her up. Just as Riley's teacher made her way over "Miss swift can we have a word inside?" She looked so serious. Taylor placed Riley down and held her hand and began following the teacher.

"No m-mommy I wanna go home!! I wanna go homeee!!!!! I WANNA GO HOMEEEE" Riley began to cry and the. Suddenly made a run for the school gates away from Taylor and her teacher. Taylor's face dropped and she was on shock for a moment before she ran after her child "RILEY!!! RILEY STOP!" Taylor caught up with Riley and grabbed her quickly."what has gotten into you?! That was very naughty!!!" Taylor said walking back into the school.

The Teacher lead Taylor into the class room and it was full of bright colours. "Miss swift we need to talk about Riley's first day- she was great for the first hour then Suddenly herbehaviour changed and she wouldn't talk to anyone not even me, and she got into a fight with another student!" Taylor looked down at Riley glaring. Riley kept her head hidden in Taylor's chest crying. "Oh my- I.. I'm not sure why- riley is never like this I swear- I'm so sorry... I promise I'll get to the bottom of this when I get home," the teacher nodded, "I think that she should take tomorrow off and come back the next day, then she might be more settled." Taylor nodded and walked to the car.

Taylor literally had to pry Riley off her and place her in the back seat. Taylor was silent, she buckled Riley's seatbelt then closed the door and got into the drivers seat and started to drive home....

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