The university and the group

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After the party, Sebastian's friend, Noah drove everyone home and their dorms, being the designated diver and all.

Fiddling with the keys to mine and Kaitlyn's dorm I quickly turned it and opened to the door to the sounds of someone puking.

"Kaitlyn?" I called.

"The one and only" she hollered back after throwing up her guts one last time, then washing out her mouth.

"How'd you get home?" I asked her hoping she didn't drive back in her drunken state.

"I got kinda drunk, so Jordin drove me home, he offered to stay and help me out and all but I didn't really want him to see my pouring out my insides in the toilet ." She clarified.

"Oh, okay" I replied reaching into her drawers and throwing a tank top and pajama bottoms at her, then grabbing my own pair of blue and pink polka-dot pajama bottoms, from my drawer.

She muttered a thank you while I headed to the bathroom to change.

- - -

This is my first week at the university. I didn't know anyone really, well except Kaitlyn, and that was because she was my roommate, so I hung out with her sometimes.
Today I wore these red floral romper shorts, ankle converse, and a flow-y white shirt with a breast pocket! while my loosely curled brown locks went down to my waist.

"Hey there" Abby said, finding and linking arms with me. Abby has straight red hair that was currently up in a messy bun, she was wearing turquoise cuffed skinny jeans, brown sandals, and light purple floral shirt with a light wash jean jacket.

"Hey" I said back, and smiling.

"Thanks for last night, and all" she said with a smirk "didn't know you could pack a punch"

"The jerk had it coming" I replied with a shrug.

"Anyway let go to the canteen to meet everyone". She said dragging me.

- - -

The canteen wasn't like any other. The place wasn't at all really packed, an the food looked actually good.

We started to walk to one of the table that people at other tables were secretly glancing at every few seconds.

The table consisted of Kim, Alex, Ryan, and none other than Sebastian.

"Yo" Ryan called waving to me and Abby. Everyone at the group then greeted us, and Sebastian just stared at me with a small smile.

So since I described Abby, I think all describe the group also.

Kim has sleek black hair, and bright green eyes, I personally thought she looked perfect in her pastel yellow blouse and her white shorts, with identical sandals to Abby's.

Alex, reminded me a big brother. He has his dirty blonde hair in a purposely messy do, and his navy blue shirt drawing attention to his blue-grey eyes.

Ryan was probably the sweetest, he has brown hair the was swept up and hazel eyes, and a few freckles that dotted his cheeks. He was wearing a green shirt and cargo short.

Then there was Sebastian in his cocky glory. Today he was wearing black Vans, a white shirt, dark wash jeans and a red hoodie.

People were drooling over this group, envying them from afar.

Yes, people this was the popular crowd of BedFord University.

Not sure if you noticed but I kinda cut Lane out, I was honestly too tired to describe him. I stayed home today, because school was taking toll on me. Like most students, I hate that hell hole.

Thanks for all the views ;) 😍☺😊

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