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For almost all of m high school life I was sheltered. Not like the whole "My parents don't want me going anywhere". No, not that way. Mainly because my parents were never around, buy instead they always went on long business trips.

And not the type of sheltered where I focused of my studies and kept to myself type of sheltered.

But instead it was an entirely different type of sheltered. So I guess I'll start from the beginning.

In high school, I only associated with my group of friends- they were the popular group. Now before you think I'm bragging, don't, because I'm not.

Okay so my group of friends were, Nina- captain of the volley ball team, Terra- head cheer leader, Nancy- captain of the dance team, Jaysn- captain of the lacrosse team, Derek- captain of the football team, Nick- student council president, Aaron-captain o the soccer team. As you can see they were all captains/heads/presidents of something, but me I wasn't interested in that type of thing.

When I said I only associated with them, I really meant only them. I wasn't a big fan of people that I didn't know back then.

I wasn't friends with a nerd, I wasn't even acquainted with the in between-ers, I barely glanced at the punk/rock/goth/emo kids, hell I didn't even talk that much to some of the other elites.

And when ever I would think about it, about somewhat branching out, I told the group, and they were worried for me and never thought it was a good idea.

Like one time I suggested about being the captain of the debate team, seeing how much I loved arguing. Everyone shared concerned glances and Nick was the first to speak.

"Aspen, I know you love arguing and all, you're actually great at it, but the debate team is a little too much, since you've never really liked people" Nick said giving me a sympathetic look.

"And you'd have to talk to everyone going against a lot of their opinions" Nancy said reaching for my hands "and you know how troublesome it would be?"

Everyone was saying how much work it would be and how it would take up a lot of my time. Then Jaysn, my boyfriend at the time, spoke up among them all.

"Aspen, it's not only those things, it's that we're scared for you" he said pushing back a blonde curl of his and looking down.

"Why would you be scared, I'm a big girl I can handle things" That was a lie. And then it hit me, I've alway had help, I could handle anything.

"Aspen, we've all been hurt." he said indicating to everyone in the group "hurt by all the lies, gossip, insults, dirty looks, and rumors from people"

"We don't want you to get hurt, like why happened to us" Terra spoke up. I then remembered how all my friends have been attacked in some form. Some girls spread a rumor of Terra saying she was a slut an did some terrible thing, and Nancy's gym bag was hidden and thrown in the garbage and she was made fun of for it. And how someone did terrible things to Nick after he won student council president. Everyone was hurt in the group by someone's jealously, our group always retaliated though and we always one upped everyone.

Then Jaysn said something sweet. "When you first came here freshman year, I swear I fell in love with you, it took us each a long time for you to actually acknowledge being friends with us though, but I loved how you were different, how you didn't care for the stares, because you didn't really notices them at first, I loved how when you were forced to say an introduction for being new, and all you said was 'I'm human' then sat down with out a word, And I love how you love everyone here at this table even though we all have our disagreements. Because I'm a 100% sure that thy love you too."

I was speechless at first then looked around the group and laughed because I really did love them all.

"So what he was trying to say, with out all that gushy stuff, is that we don't want you tainted by society". Derek said with a laugh.

So I didn't join the debate club, or any club for that matter because I was happy where I was and I didn't want to change anything at all.

Loving Sebastian Grey(EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora