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A signal, known by his database, unknown to him.
How was that even possible?
This Signal popped up without a warning, without the happening of something special, it just hit him at an ordinary photoshoot. And it kept him awake, even though it was already pretty late. He couldn't stop thinking about it, always trying to receive this Signal again, or at least trying to get a hint to what it meant.
The blue haired Boy sighed exhausted, his battery had by far seen better times, sooner or later he had to rest and recharge. After all was no one home, who could help him in a situation of total distress. The only one capable to react fast enough to help him up would be Reiji, but his optimistic Unit member was also the only one, he hasn't seen since he got to their apartment this evening, even though he would always storm into the blue haired room to annoy.... to welcome him home, the moment he would set a foot into the flat.
The Boy started a last attempted to name the vague Signal from this afternoon but his Information stayed the same. His Database was able to identify it, but he was unable to get access to this information. And that's exactly what bothered him so much.
He lied down in his bed with ever turning thoughts, unknowing that in this exact moment, with the opening of two eyes at the other side of Tokyo, his own history began to catch up with him.

so yeah. I tried something new, since I always wanted to do a fan-Fic in english... well here I am i guess XD My english isn't perfect, but i give it my best shot ^^
Would love to hear your thoughts about the prologue and following chapters
see ya
Sora ~

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