the religion of Alice!

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hey this is really stupid but I have seen stuff like the "comandments of gerard way" and I really wanted to do one of my own so here we go:


1 thou shall wear skinny jeans with every outfit.

2 thou shall read gay fanfiction

3 thou shall obsess over bands

4 thou shall wear eyeliner

5 thou shall sing along to songs, even if thy suck at singing

6 thou shall cover thy walls in posters

7 thou shall read KERRANG! 

8 thou shall wear band merch

8 thou shall not give a fuck

9 thou shall go to concerts

10 thou shall quote bands/songs in every day life. for example:

preppy bitch: "oh my god screaming isn't music!"

me/you: well, if you can't hang then theirs the door"



the religion of Alice!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum