The Beginning of the End

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You calmly followed the man in front of you, your eyes casted down. You were not ready for the procedures yet to come. You weren't ready for the pain that was waiting, but you had to remain calm, collective and quite.

You followed him through out the long, narrow and white hallways. You hated the color white, it was everywhere in this stupid lab.

When you arrived you cringed visibility at the blood stains on the wall. You also weren't a fan of the wrist chains hanging from the wall.

"Assume position, mutant B4129." You nodded your head slightly and went to stand by the wall. You straightened out your back and held your hands up. The man stood in front of you and chained up your wrists. They now hung from the wall, and you slumped forward slightly.

"Wings out." You obediently did as you were told. Your wings sprouted from the small of your back. Having wings were the most common mutation a mutant could have. Your wigs, however, weren't the normal "Angel/Bird" wigs. You had bat wings. Also the area were your wings where were uncommon as well, most winged mutants have their wings sprout from their shoulder blades.

You sucked in a breath and mentally prepared yourself for what was going to come next. The man grabbed a long sharp medical knife and proceeded to cut off your wings. It was necessary as they would grow back stronger then they were before. Recovery depended on how often the wings were cut. And most of the time was painful for them to grow back.

You were bitting down on your lip the entire time. Blood had trickled down your chin and on to the white shirt you wore.

After the man was done, your white pants were also drenched in blood. And your now cut off wings were thrown away.

The man said nothing as he treated the roots of your wings. After you were bandaged up, he left.

Meals often came twice a day, you had to stay there, in that small, white, blood stained room till you were done recovering. It wasn't the worst thing ever, but it most certainly wasn't the best.

You managed to fall asleep, the world slowly fading around you.

- a couple of days later -

You were still in the white room, still chained up, still recovering. To pass the time, you often listened in on the conversations near you.

Today one of the Doctors were complaining about what their son did at school, something about failing his test. He got interrupted by a loud alarm.

You began to panic, you weren't scared of a lot of things, just a few phobias. Alarms terrified you the most, loud noises in general triggered you. They made you go , almost, crazy. You thought back to the times were you would be forced to fight other mutant kids, loud alarms would play in the background. Making you and the other kid go crazy, only when there was a victor would the alarms stop.

You began to shake slightly, you tried to brake the chains by pulling your arms forward. You so badly just wanted to ball up and wait for the noise to stop.

There was an explosion outside of the hallway, there was screaming, and running. You stopped thrashing around and looked at the door. Heavy foot steps were approaching. The door swung opened, and a man with brown shoulder length hair step in. His clam blue eyes met your panicked (e/c) ones.

He noticed how you were chained up, how your white shirt and pants were stained with blood. He took a step closer to you, you made no noise or movement. All you did was hold eye contact with him. Almost as though his calm eyes put you at ease.

He made his way over to you, he held his hand out, gently grabbing the chains. He had a metal arm, you broke eye contact to gaze at his arm. Using the his mental arm he broke the chains holding you up.

You fell forward slightly, but he caught you.

"You okay?" He spoke calmly and quietly. You nodded your head. He put you down, but you still leaned on him for support.

"How long were you like that?" He asked gently.

"Five.....days." Your arms were sore, and you'd give anything to sleep on a real bed. The man with the metal arm noticed how tired you were.

"Hey um Steve, I found something...." He spoke into his ear piece, he then listened and nodded. "Alright."

He turned back to you, "I need you to come with me okay?" You hesitantly nodded your head, the man took note of your behavior. You had pushed yourself away from him, now leaning on the wall.

Obviously you didn't trust him.

"Hey, um . . . I'm Bucky and don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" The way he spoke, he sounded like he didn't even trust himself, or as though he didn't know what to say. When you didn't reply he spoke again.

"Look, I'm new to this whole 'saving people' thing, so I don't really know what to do- uh Steve I need you here." He spoke into his ear piece again, and you slowly pushed yourself into a corner of the room as he was talking. His face pained when he saw how scared you were.

But it's not that you were scared of him, the alarm was still going off. It was becoming hard to breath. And you mentally cursed at yourself for basically having a panic attack in front of a stranger.

"W-why don't you tell me your name?" Bucky approached you slowly, when he saw you flinched he put his hands up. Signaling that he wasn't going to hurt you.

You nodded slightly and held out your left arm. Bucky looked confused and stepped closer, he held your left arm with his flesh arm and saw 'B4129' tattooed onto your wrist. He gasped ever so slightly. But you relaxed at his touch.

"B4129? Is that what they call you?" You nodded again.

"Well, we can't just call you that, now can we?" You tilted your head at Bucky, confused. You began to breath normally, slightly ignoring the loud alarm.

He chuckled slightly, he could see that you were starting to relax.

"Everyone has a name, you don't call someone by numbers, it's not right. So uh what if I gave you a name, would you like that?" You stepped closer to Bucky.

"Name.." He smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's see, oh I know how bout (y/n)?" You pondered the name, (y/n). Wow a real name, something to be called by. You nodded your head, this time with a slight smile. You were completely at ease.

You couldn't explain why, you just felt at ease with this man who calls himself Bucky. The way he approached you, as though he saw himself in you. He talked to you in a certain way that made you want to trust him. He's eyes were calming and pain hid behind them. But once you got past that, there was a sense of happiness and hope.

Another man stepped through the door, ruining yours and Bucky's moment. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. You panicked and immediately hid behind Bucky, telling yourself you could trust him. Bucky turned to his friend.

"Steve, this is uh (y/n)." Bucky moved slightly so that Steve could see you. He gasped slightly, taking notice of the blood stains on your pants and shirt. You were gripping Bucky's metal arm like a child, but you were no child. You were 16 years old, the lab had kept track of your age. And every year on your birthday you'd get a beating, just to remind you, you were born that day.

"Hey (y/n)"- you perked at the sound of your new name, and Steve spoke gently -"why don't we get you out of here?"

I saw her first!! |Bucky X Reader X Peter|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz