The Beginning

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You followed Steve and Bucky out of the now destroyed lab. Part of you was relived to see the lab that way, the other half wondered where you were going.

"Alrighty, let's get you on to the ship." Steve stood in front of a huge black air craft.

"Ship?" You looked at it with wonder, you'd never seen anything like it before. Steve padded you lightly on the back and you flinched, though it was a small jester it still was enough to spook you. He quickly apologized and brought you on to the ship. A man was already at the front, sitting in the pilots chair. He had a goatee and was wearing yellow sunglasses.

"Cap, Buck- strange girl I've never seen before?" You tilted your head at the man. But he was looking at Steve and Bucky, he wanted an explanation.

"I found her chained up so.." Bucky began.

"So you saved her and brought her here? Good job, for a first time anyway." The man then turned to you. "Hello sweet heart, what's your name?" Okay okay you had to prepare yourself. So many things were happening, you left the lab, you made two new friends, one of them strangely put you at ease, and you got a name. And you get to tell someone your name. The first person who will hear your name. You took a small breath-

"Her name is (Y/n)." Steve said with a small smile. There go your dreams, you nodded slightly.

"I take it she doesn't talk much." You shook your head.

"Well I'm Tony, now let's get you cleaned up why don't we? F.R.I.D.A.Y drive the ship for me."


On the flight you had slowly told Tony Steve and Bucky that you were a mutant and that you had been at the lab since you were born (16 years). Half way through you got irritated at your lack of communication skills, so you used your powers and spoke to the three males with your mind. At first Steve freaked out, while Tony was intrigued. You then went to go in detail what it was in in that stupid lab. They all seemed horrified at your past, especially Bucky, who kept clenching his jaw.

Tony was very impressed with your vocabulary and the way you spoke in your head, you even explained that it's hard for you to talk out loud because you hardly even talk to people.

When you were done you had arrived at the 'averages tower', and you were all fixed up.

"Well, no doubt we'll have to tell Furry about her. But I think she'll like it here." You turned to Tony and the mention of yourself. He responded with a small smile.

You followed Bucky, Steve and Tony inside. You mainly stood next to Bucky. You couldn't explain it, but he just put you at ease, from the moment you made eye contact.

You were quiet, taking in your surroundings. And even though you told them everything, you couldn't help but be on edge. Even though Steve, Tony and Bucky were nice, you still told yourself not to trust them completely.

While you were talking to them telepathically, you were digging around in their minds. Trying to better understand them, out of them all you knew Steve was the kindest. While Bucky shared a story similar to yours. And Tony, well he was another story.

"Okay this is the kitchen." Tony began. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked around. Your fingers gracing over the smooth counter. You tilted you head at all the strange items in this 'kitchen.' You recalled that one of the doctors was complaining about how they needed to restyle their kitchen, at the time you had no idea what they were talking about. Now you stood in a kitchen, but you didn't know what one does in a kitchen.

"" You mentally cursed at yourself, you had to speak slowly and carefully, this by far, was the longest sentence you've ever said. And although you were irritated with your self, you were also somewhat proud.

Bucky's eyes lit up, he wanted to be the one who explained everything to you.

"Well, you cook and store food here." Bucky said, a little too fast, he made it very clear that he wanted to show you around. Though he himself didn't really understand why. Maybe it was because you reminded him of himself. Or maybe it was because it pained him when he first saw you. He didn't know it at the time, but he had subconsciously made a decision to protect you.

"Alrighty then, Buck, here will show you around while me and Steve go.. over there and chat." You nodded your head at Tony and Bucky showed you around the tower.

-back with Tony and Steve-

Tony bit down on his lip. He had a bad feeling that Furry would want to run tests on (y/n). And he didn't know if she would even let Furry do such a thing. Tony didn't even know if he wanted to let Furry do such a thing.

"We can't tell Furry about her." Steve looked up, surprised that Tony would say such a thing. But he agreed, (y/n) reminded him too much of Bucky. And that only made Steve want to protect her. Also  Bucky seemed to like her as well, and Steve could already picture Bucky trying to fight Furry.

"Well then we'll just have to hide her from Furry." Steve said, Tony nodded his head in agreement.

"We can teach her basic stuff, like cooking, help her with her speech impediment, enroll her into school, teach her a bit of sign language and get her her own apartment. Even week one or some of us could check up on her." Tony said, he sipped on some water that he had served himself while he was speaking. Steve nodded at his words, putting a hand under his chin.

"That could work. But how long do you think it'll take for all of this to be done?" Steve asked. Tony shrugged.

"I dunno maybe three to four months." The said. (Y/n) had just walked in with Bucky, a small smile on both of their lips. Steve's eyes flickered over to the pair.

"Then I guess we'd better get started."

I saw her first!! |Bucky X Reader X Peter|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora