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Brenda led me out of her tent, and pointed me towards where I would find Thomas. I thanked her again for the shower and the clothes, and followed her directions. A couple girls gave me a funny look, probably trying to figure out who I am or where I came from. I smiled shyly at them, feeling my stomach tighten at their stares. 

One foot in front of the other, Spencer. Don't pay attention. 

I  was still getting used to being around so many people at once, or any people for that matter. I couldn't tell you the last time I was in contact with another human being. Well I could, but I would rather not talk about her. It only brings back memories that tear me apart, inside and out. 

I could hear the laughters of the boys who saved me, and I quickened my pace to get to them. The three of them were sitting around at a picnic table, laughing their heads off. I cleared my throat with a quiet cough to gain their attention. Thomas's head shot in my direction, and motioned me over with his hand. 

"Hey, you don't look like a crank chewed you up and spit you out again." Thomas said, with a smirk playing at his lips. Newt laughed lightly as I took my seat across form him. 

"Thanks." I said sarcastically. 

"Oh, by the way, i'm Frypan." The boy beside Newt said, holding his hand out across the table. I streched out my arm and took his hand in mine, shaking it lightly. 

"Nice to meet you." I said, smiling kindly. 

The boys shifted their weight uncomfortably, glancing at one another, and then looked down at the stained wood. 

"So, who's Minho?" I asked, attempting to start a conversation from the obviously tense boys. Thomas's hands balled into fists, and Newt's gaze met mine. His stare was hard. 

"How do you know about Minho?" Newt asked me, confusion lacing his accent. 

"She heard me talking to Brenda." Thomas said, placing his palms over his eyes, rubbing in circles. If I knew that his name would cause them to get uneasy, I would have kept it to myself.

"Sorry, I didn't me-"

"No it's fine, Minho is our friend. Wicked took him, we've been trying to find him for months." Newt said, his voice growing soft.

"They have my sister, too. Her name's Makenzie. I've been looking for her since the second she was gone. I know how it feels, i'm sorry." I said, placing my hand on Thomas's shoulder.

My stomach turned at the thought of Kenzie locked away in a cell, only being taken out to have tests run on her. She was 16 when she was taken a year ago, making her 17 now. 

"I'm sorry, Spence. Should we tell her?" Thomas said, looking between the two boys. 

"Tell me what?" I asked confused. Newt nodded towards Thomas.

"We are planning on sneaking out tonight to go find Minho, you can come with us if you want." He suggested.

"A chance to find my sister? Count me in."


That night, they were throwing a party for everyone that had been rescued from that train car. The four of us had already backed our bags and had left them by one of the cars. The plan was to sneak off when it was just about done. 

I strolled over towards the docks, and I saw a large group of people sitting around a man who had his glass raised, Vince, I think was his name, "To surviving!" He yelled. Cheers and whistles rippled through the air. I searched the crowd for a familiar face.

"Enjoying yourself."  A voice bellowed out from behind me. Practically jumping  out of my skin, I turned around, my fists raised in front of my face. When I saw Newt, my hands slapped against my side and a deep sigh escaped my lips.

"You can't do that, Newt. Next time I might actually hurt you." I said sarcastically, glaring at the british boy. He crossed his arms over his chest, and took a step towards me.

"Sorry, love. It won't happen again." He said, smirking down to me. 

I could feel my knees get a little wobbly at the way he was looking at me. I straightened my back and lifted my chin.

"You, Thomas and Frypan seem really close." I said turning back so my gaze was set on the large amount of people. I'm pretty sure if I stayed there, staring at him,  I would have stumbled over. Newt walked up so he was standing beside me.

"We've been through alot together. Same with Minho, that's why we need to get to him." Newt said. I could hear the tenseness in his voice. I could feel his pain talking about his friend.

"We are going to find him, I can promise you that." I said, turning my head and smiling at him lightly. He returned the gesture. 

"And your sister." He added. It was like a punch to the gut, remembering Makenzie. I swallowed hard.

"Sorry, didn't mean to-" I cut him off, before he could ramble out some sort of pity speech.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. It's just a tender spot, ya know?" I said, wrapping my arms around my ribcage.

"100%, every time someone brings up Minho I wish I could just knock them out." He said with a light chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. 

"Do you believe that there is a place safe from all of this." I asked him, in a serious tone.

"I'm not sure, but if there is, we are going to find it." His voice was stern.

"What was your life like, before all of this." I asked him, digging to know more about the mysterious boy standing beside me.

"I can't remember."

Somewhere in Neverland - TDC; NewtWhere stories live. Discover now