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I leaned my head up against the car window, pulling the blanket that Thomas had draped over my body a little closer to my chin. I wasn't sure how long we had been driving, but I know we still had a long ways to go. 

Newt and Fry were talking quietly amongst themselves, and I could see Thomas looking at a large map. I sat up, rubbing my hands over my eyes.

"Stop here, Fry." Thomas said, folding the map up. Frypan brought the car to a slow stop. Thomas was the first person to open his door, looking at the dark tunnel in front of us.

"He's got to be crazy." Fry mumbled, as the rest of us opened our doors and walked over to stand with him. 

"Not trying to burst your bubble, Tommy. But if I was a crank, that's definitely where I would be." Newt said, motioning towards the tunnel.

"Well, there isn't another way around." Thomas groaned, clearly annoyed at Newt. 

"Alright, well I call shotgun." I said, turning on my heel and jogging back towards the truck. I climbed in,and the three were not far behind me. 

Frypan slowly entered the tunnel, being careful not to hit the abandoned cars on the sides. Everyone fell silent, as the wheels turned.

My body jerked forward, as Frypan slammed on the breaks. 

"What the hell was that-" I cut myself off, as I looked at a single crank standing in front of us.

"Ok, just go around him. It's just one crank." Thomas said, attempting to keep everyone calm. 

"Yeah, Fry. Just take it slow, it's not like this place is probably crawling with those things." I say sarcastically, mocking Thomas, turning around to look at him. As I turned around, the wind was knocked out of me. A group of cranks were now running towards the back of the truck. Newt turned around, 

"Frypan, floor it." He yelled. Without any hesitation, Fry pushed his foot on the gas pedal. You could smell the rubbing burning as the tires screeched.

I grabbed onto the handle of the door, as we flew towards the Crank in front of us. With all of its strength, it jumped up on top of the hood. The boys all screamed solutions back to one another in complete chaos. The crank retracted his elbow back, and punched at the windshield. The windshield shattered a bit, not allowing Fry to see clearly. This just caused them to yell even louder.

"Babies." I mumbled. I unbuckled my seat belt, pulling my gun from its holder around my waist. I sat up, pulling back what was covering the sun roof. Thomas's eyes grew wide as I kneeled on the middle console. 

"Spencer!" Newt yelled, wrapping his arms around my legs, attempting to steady me. I shot my head up, aiming my gun at the crank on the hood. I fired a single shot between his eyes, its lifeless body fell off the truck. 

"Keep driving! I'll watch for more in front of us!" I yelled down to them.

"No, Spence. We're gonna stop to take a break, maybe enjoy some sandwiches." Thomas said in a sarcastic tone, now mocking me. 

"Can it." I say sternly, aiming my gun towards a small group of cranks running towards us. Three shots is all it took for them to no longer be a threat to us. Newts grip tightened on my legs as Fry attempted to weave around objects. Before I could realize what was happening, my left shoulder came in contact with a metal pole sticking out from the wall. A scream escaped my lips, as the pole tore apart my clothes, and blood pooled from the wound.

Newt pulled me down gently, taking off his jacket, placing it over my shoulder and applied pressure. 

"Thomas, get out the first aid kit." Newt demanded, looking at him. Thomas rummaged around through all of the bags, until he came across the metal box. He pried it open, grabbing everything they would need.

I could feel myself slowly slipping into darkness,

"It's going to be ok, love."


When I woke up, my head was in Newt's lap, and his hand was in my hair. I winced as my shoulder throbbed. I attempted to sit up, but was rejected by Newt.

"Just relax, you're ok." He said, running his hand through my hair. 

"How you feeling, Spence?" I heard Thomas's voice ring out. 

"Peachy." I croaked. The three of them chuckled at my humour. 

"Are you thirsty?" Frypan asked, taking another turn. I nodded my head, and Thomas passed Newt a silver bottle. He placed his left hand on the back of my head, lifting it gently. He put the bottle to my lips, tilting it upwards so the cold liquid shot down my throat. 

"Thank you." I whispered, putting my head back in his lap. He smiled down at me,

"Thanks for saving our asses." He chuckled.

"I second that." Thomas laughed. 

"Watch her head, Newt." Frypan instructed. With those words, Newt wrapped his right arm around my torso, nd his left held my head.  Fry slammed on the breaks once again, and I could hear the three of them grow silent. 

"What is it?" I mumbled.

"The city." Thomas replied, getting out of the car with Frypan to get a closer look.

"We can see it from up here, it shouldn't be that much longer of a drive." Fry hollarded back to Newt and I. 

"Thank you for helping me, Newt." I said, using all my strength to smile at him. 

"Hey, no worries." He smiled.

I looked down, to see they had taken off my jacket, and cut a slit up my sleeve to get to the wound. There was a large white bandage with blood stains all over it. 

"Oh, shoot. Here." Newt mumbled, grabbing the blanket and laying it over my body. 

"Thanks, Newt." I sighed, snuggling in a little closer to him.

"I'll give you some fresh clothes once you can sit up." 

I smiled in response, feeling a massive amount of butterflies in my stomach, and drifted off to sleep with the british boys hand in my hair. 

Somewhere in Neverland - TDC; NewtDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora