Time To Go [3]

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They made their way slowly down a secluded street with so much water resting on it, it may as well have been completely flooded, only a thin dark hood served as his protection in the pouring rain. A strange mixture of clear and red liquid dripped down from the plastic covering onto the ground below, leaving a faint trail of the route he took.

The rain poured down from the clouds above. Not caring for how it was inconveniencing those down below. Poor vision can lead to dangerous situations and further 'accidents'. The wet conditions of the ground made it so that no one would be have been able to take a step without disturbing the layer of water and creating a loud sound.

He felt a wave of dizziness hit him in the face like a truck and he stumbled into a nearby tree, slamming the palm of his hand into the bark to support his weight. His legs felt as if they were going to give out from underneath him at any moment causing him to crash down onto the ground, isolated and alone where no one would stand a chance if finding him... Or at least the mess he'd leave behind.

Determined to reach his destination as quickly as possible, he kept moving forward, fighting the urge to collapse and lie on the floor for all the foreseeable future. Occasionally the sharp edge of the small blade he had previously been brandishing at his opponent would brush against his thigh cutting through the fabric, threatening the skin.

With the final destination in sight he quickened his pace yet again. Desperate to reach a place where he could rest and come to terms with what had just happened, what he had just gotten himself involved in. It all happened so fast. It started as just a joke, a dumb prank. Who'd have thought that they, of all people would take things too far?

He felt his legs getting weaker and weaker, they wouldn't be able to hold his weight for much longer. Exhausted and afraid he finally realised that it was time to stop, time for a rest.

"Well..." he muttered to no one but himself

"I guess it's over now" After a well-fought battle, his legs finally gave out and the young boy sank to his knees on the muddy ground.

"I'm done"

He felt the grip on the knife in his hand grew weaker and weaker, he wouldn't be able to hold onto it for much longer. It fell to the ground with a surprisingly loud crash considering the sound of the rain, the crimson end of the blade leaving a stain on the ground on impact.

He felt the strength to keep his eyes open get weaker and weaker, he wouldn't be able to keep them open for much longer. Soon his eyes would close, and he would sleep...and the temptation to stay lying there would be too strong, and he would be unable to wake up...

As he felt his consciousness drifting away from him, another boy ran towards him. The new boy crouched beside him and rolled him on his back while he assessed the damage.

"For a minute there, I thought you weren't coming" The boy managed to choke out.

"Shh, don't strain yourself."

"It's bad isn't it?" the 'doctor' placed a gentle hand over the large open wound in his 'patients' stomach, covering it in his friend's blood.

"You've lost a lot of blood... but you're going to be ok" He lied. He wasn't a trained doctor, but he didn't need one to know that it would be unlikely that his friend would survive.

"...Liar..." His friend quietly breathed. For the first time in their lives, both boys' eyes filled with something that could only be described as pure fear, both trying to mask it for the benefit of the other... neither falling for their tricks.

The dying boy forced a smile onto his face and searched for some meaningful final words...

A single tear escaped his eyes:

"It's time to go..."


Author's Note: Sorry this was so late, this was supposed to come out last Saturday but I couldn't think of an idea for a short story . This *Whatever the opposite of a masterpiece is* was inspired by a comic that my friend made the other day so thanks to her for giving me something to do. As usual if you find any spelling/grammar mistakes please let me know and I'll fix it. 



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