A new life hopefully

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Yeah, sorry but I'm not going to tell you what that horrible experience was. Your just going to have to read on and find out. Anyway, this place was amazing, seriously, Mr. Red had to be rich. The guy introduced himself as Tom, he said he was the groundskeeper. Tom took me to the building in the middle and have me a key.

"This is the key to your room, you will be staying with three other people but still, don't lose it," he turned and headed down a hallway.

"Hey, where are you going?" I called after him.

"I'm showing to your dorm, come on," he waved his hand motioning for me to follow.

I followed him down the hall and he stopped in front of the furthest door from the entryway.

"Here we are, you roommates should be joining you shortly," he opened the door.

I stepped in and claimed the top right bunk by putting my suitcase on it.

I turned to look at Tom, "how are our roommates chosen?"

"Right now its random but after about a week of school we'll put you with other people depending on what you're good at," he sounded as if the fact that he knew this made him special.

I nodded and took out my sketchbook. I sat there shading when I realized I felt lonely. I shrugged to myself and pulled out my phone. I plugged my headphones in and let the music wash over me. After about an hour I heard a knock at the door. I looked up expecting to see Tom but instead I saw a blonde haired boy. I took out my headphones and jumped off the bed. I landed almost silently on the hardwood floor. I was pretty tall for my age so I towered over this kid who looked like he was barley reaching four and a half feet. He looked me in the eye and stuck his tan hand out for me to shake. I took it and stared into his brown eyes looking for any clue about who he might be.

"Hi, my name's Larry," he let go of my hand and put his bag on the bunk below mine.

"I'm Sam, nice to meet you," my face remained expressionless.

He nodded and began unpacking his things. I jumped back up to my bed and started drawing again. He looked up and said, "did you draw that? That's really good."

"Thanks," I tried to smile in a friendly way but it didn't quite work.

Eventually I finished my drawing and when I did Larry started talking to me.

"So why did you leave your house?" he sounded totally innocent but I didn't want to talk about what I left behind.

"I'm not talking about my past," I replied simply.

"Why was it bad?" I shut him up by giving him the death glare.

I was about to jump back to my bed when another boy showed up at the door.

Larry quickly popped up to introduce himself. I just sat up on the couch I was on. The boy was about 5 feet tall with dark brown hair shaved like he went to military school. He nodded to me and introduced himself as Patrick.

"Hey can I call you Pat?" I looked him in his gray eyes.

"No," he shook his head and walked over to one of the two remaining beds.

He settled himself and sat down on the couch next to me. I felt uncomfortable so I got up and jumped up to my bed. I pulled my laptop out and started watching Netflix. The days went by and the next boy didn't show. I didn't think he would ever show and was about to ask if the guys knew where he was, when we heard a knock at our door.

I whipped my head around as Larry went to open the door. He always was the more polite one. Larry pulled the door open and in stepped a tall boy with bright red hair.

I'm a teenage assassinWhere stories live. Discover now