my shitty rant| my explanation

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All can say right now is HOLY FUCKING SHIT BITCH!

I'm ya know sitting here scrolling through the feed on instagram and like reality just hit me like holy shit bts is thriving like you go sus'. When I first joined fandom, which was in 2014, Bts wasn't as popular as they were now. Back then Bts was hated on, people told them that they wouldn't be able to achieve their goals and that they should just disband, but now Bts is famous worldwide and their so popular now, they're supported by army's all over the world. The fact that Bts has made it this far doesn't even surprise me, I mean they worked hard for what they wanted, and guess what they got it. Like the competition is literally shook. They made me realize the little things about the world that I didn't even notice. They're song lyrics are the most relatable and heartfelt things I've ever heard. Unlike other music which is mostly about sex, money, guns, violence, and drugs. But hey don't get me wrong I still listen to it but I don't let it influence me. Music here in America is super different from different country's music like it just blows my mind how much music has evolved.

Moving on

Probably none of you have been wondering why I was inactive for so long but im still gonna fill you in on what I've been doing for the past 3-4 months. Well to be honest it was nothing productive but it kept me busy and occupied. So let's start from the beginning..

Around the end of April I kinda, sorta, maybe broke my phone? So now I'm using a mini I pad that my kind mother let me use while I make money to buy a new phone. So for the past few months I  had a job? I mean I wouldn't call it a job but my brains not functioning at the moment so we'll call it a "job" for now. Well so my "job" was to babysit for my mom's co-worker's children  since I'm still illegal (under aged.) So yeah ive been babysitting for a bunch of toddlers which kept me occupied. By the end of May I had 1/3 of the amount of money I needed for a new phone so yea. During my free time I read actual books like paper back books and hard cover books. So yeah I also started to go to the gym but lord knows I only go like once a week. So yeah I just did that for most of my inactivity. Oh yeah I almost forgot but I also went on road trips and camping trip with my family and friends and my family from Texas and the Philippines visited for a while. And now I just need to work for like another 3 weeks to have enough money to buy a new phone because phones are super expensive now. Y'all aren't probably wondering why am I working to pay for my own phone when I can just ask my parents. Well my sister and I made a bet and it was that if I worked and payed for my own phone, she'd do all my chores for 7 months but shed only do my chores when I told her that I didn't feel like doing them. And if I can't pay for my own phone, and I end up "quitting" my "job" then I'd have to do her chores for 7 months. So of course I wouldn't pass up such a great proposal so I of course accepted and ya know to be honest she kinda played herself but I ain't complaining. And yeah that's basically it.

I'll keep you guys updated but just to warn you I won't be publishing any new chapters on virtual reality but once I get my phone my schedule will be much more cleared so I could focus more on writingAnd with that I'll be on my way for I have to go get ready for my "job."  Byeeee shiters (I meant to type 'shistars' but I think 'shiters' sounds better
Oh yeah listen to this song by Rex Orange county (at the start of this chapter) it's called Sunflower. ✌✌✌✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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