An Alpha's Mate

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Chapter One 

        "I'll miss you mom", I told the small, petite woman standing in front of me. She had a tissue in her hand which she used to wipe the tears that managed to betray her. My mom was my everything, my whole world, and seeing her bawl her eyes out made me want to cry, too.

         She pulled me into a tight hug, and I hugged her back with as much force. "Oh Adelaide, my baby, I'm going to miss you more", she sniffled, "Now, go on, the U.S. is waiting for your arrival."

        I smiled at the thought of moving to the U.S., my dream since I was five years old. My original plan was to leave for the states right after graduation, but there was not enough money for me to afford a plane ticket, let alone my own place. Nonetheless, I was determined to achieve my dream, so I began to work at a few places. Okay, only two places, but I still managed to earn enough money with the help of my mom and dad.

        My dad, who I haven't seen for almost all of my life, lived in the states and offered to help us, financially. Of course, my mom politely declined his offer, but my dad did not stop there. He called me one day and told me that he had a "perfect" apartment for me that was close- way too close- to where he lived over in Washington. Much to my mother's dismay, he had already bought the place for me.

        I hugged my mom one last time before letting go. My luggage had already been taken care of, so I did not bring much with me other than my travel essentials in a pink tote bag. Sliding the strap over my shoulder, I walked over to the security section of the airport. The security standing there asked for my identification and boarding pass which I gladly handed over. Once I reached the metal detector, I removed my bag and shoes as well as my jacket and placed them on the conveyor belt to be scanned. As soon as that was finished, I walked through the metal detector successfully.

        I grabbed my stuff and put on my shoes and jacket before leaving the security checkpoint. My plane was due to departure in ten minutes, just enough time to get comfortable. With one last glance over at my mother, I boarded the plane that would take me to where I was born. Home.

        I found my seat in the middle section of the plane, and I placed my tote on my lap. To say I was nervous was an understatement. After all, this would be the first time I would see my dad and my hometown since I was born. Based on what I heard about the states, it was a nice country to reside at. I had heard that Washington was blessed with rain, I loved rain.

        Unzipping my bag, I took out my IPod and shoved the ear buds into my ears. Pressing play, I made myself comfortable, and soon enough, I fell asleep to Hard to Find by Skillet.        

        The first thing I noticed once I left the plane was the rain. Where I lived in Europe, there was a limited amount of times when it would begin to pour buckets of water. To me, rain was the best -it helped me relax, and now I would be living in a place full of showering skies.

        I went to go pick up my luggage, and pulled it along with me to go wait for my dad who was suppose to pick me up. There were people moving everywhere making it difficult to find my way out. For a moment, I wondered how my dad would know who I was, but then I remembered that my mom would keep him updated with current pictures of me. My mom had shown me several pictures of him, so I knew who to look out for.

        "Adelaide! Over here!" A deep voice shouted, and I looked in every direction until I saw him waving his arms in the air. His smile was large, and I could see the happiness reflected in his eyes. As I made my way to my dad, I thought about how I was finally going to know what it felt like to have another parent instead of just one. All of my friends back in Europe had such amazing relationships with their dads, and I truly envied them because I wanted to be a daddy's girl. To be honest, I was nervous as to what my dad would think and say of his nineteen year old daughter.

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