An Alpha's Mate - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

        I turned to face the owner of the voice and almost wished I hadn't. Not knowing how he looked like would have prevented my legs from turning into useless, sticks of jelly. He had a well defined jaw line that emphasized his pink, full lips. Both his nose and eyes were small, but it added to his handsomeness. My eyes scanned his face for a while, but they landed on his hazel orbs that emitted a gasp from my mouth. As I stared at his eyes, I felt cozy and protected from any danger that could be surrounding us. It was as if I could trust this man with my whole life without ever having to doubt him.

        I felt my dad grab my arm and bring me behind him, making the man in front of us seem like a threat. The man didn't look pleased about my dad's actions and glared at him. For some unexplainable reason, it was difficult to take my eyes away from the man. Forcing my eyes away, I looked at my dad who appeared to be having a conversation using his eyes. The atmosphere was filled with tension, and I wanted to break the silence but couldn't form my thoughts into coherent words.

        They glared at one another until the man looked over at me. His once angry expression softened as our eyes met, and he flashed me a breath taking smile. I felt myself blushing which caused me to look down at my white converse. He was trying to read me that much I knew by his intense stare.

        My dad was the first one to break the uncomfortable silence. "Adelaide, this is..." he looked over at him  and he just nodded. "This is Damon. He is the...owner of this land."

        He studied me for a while, taking a couple of steps in my direction. I saw as his lips lifted into a smile when my name came out of my dad's mouth. My dad gave him a pointed look before continuing. "Damon, this is my daughter, Adelaide."

        Damon was now standing directly in front of me. He was a good five inches taller than me and looked much more intimidating up close. His hand extended towards me, and he took my hand in his.

        "It is a pleasure to meet such a beauty like you." He brought my hand to his mouth and pressed his lips softly against my skin. A tingling sensation erupted from the contact, something so foreign and unrealistic that had my insides melting away.

         My cheeks were burning, such a feeling that was becoming more and more apparent here. I bit my lip to keep me from smiling, but failed.


          "Um...same." I mentally slapped myself for lacking proper words to say. This one guy had the power to have me at a loss for words, who knew what other effects he would have on me.

          Surprisingly, he laughed. Not just any laugh, but a laugh so melodic that you would be able to fall asleep to in a matter of seconds. Despite the power radiating off of him, which was weird, I was able to feel comfortable around his presence.

        My dad cleared his throat. "Honey, let's go." He sounded like he didn't want to argue, so I nodded my head.

       I began to turn in the direction we came from when I felt Damon's hand wrap around my wrist. My eyes looked up at his, and it was then that I realized how his eyes resembled those of the black wolf.

       "I'll be seeing you soon, Addie." He said, more like promised. I bit my lip once again but this time it was to keep a moan from escaping my mouth. The nickname he came up for me had the butterflies inside my belly going ballistic, something so new to me. How was is possible for me to be extremely attracted to this male in such a short time of knowing him? Most importantly, why did I feel like I met Damon already? Everything was so unusual and off about this place, but I couldn't put the pieces together. One thing's for sure, I was definitely looking forward to seeing Damon, again.

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