A Kiss

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What if I can't continue with this bet?

His hands were trembling a bit as he typed the words on his phone screen.


I mean I...

he couldn't even fulfill this sentence.

Do you... like her?

No No!! What do you think?!

Uhmmm... nothing... I was just wondering about the reason..

It was just a simple question.


*Your POV*

"Y/N? What is it? It's 10 pm!"

"I know I'm sorry... but.."

"Hmm I know! Is it about Taeyong?"

"Well ...yes.."

"Why so sad? What did he do?"

Your best friend's voice turned serious like she would attack him any second.

"Maybe... I overheard a conversation between him and friends ...and they were talking about a bet. That he's just using me for winning this bet."

"What??! I swear I'll kill--"

"Still... you know he's Taeyong... I just still love him somehow..."

"But Y/N you love his appearance in front of the camera... not his real personality."

You sighed.

"I know.."

"Y/N, I beg you if he's just using you then please stop this! Break up or whatever your relationship is!"

And she was right. Why would you try to be happy with a guy who's just using you? Even though you had thought he's a cutie. It was a facade. He put on a front to make all the fans like him. It wasn't the real him. This was it. Lying, playing with girl's hearts, using them.

Thinking about this you decided to meet up with Taeyong again and to confront him with this topic as soon as possible.


Slowly I woke up as I felt some sun rays shining into my face. With my eyes still closed I felt the tight embrace I was in. A small, fragile figure was pressed against my body, which seemed really tall compared to hers. Her hair was soft and shiny, her skin without make-up on perfect the way it was and the oversized T-shirt made her look even more fragile but endlessly irresistible.

My fingers were slowly and carefully stroking her hair and caressing her cheeks. Right then a slight smile ran across her beautiful face.

The girl's hands were resting on my chest. Really carful I gave her a peck on the forehead and stood up quietly. After covering her up with the blanket again I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Pancakes. She'd love it for sure.

I was standing in front of the kitchen counter, facing the pan on the cooker. Suddenly a pair of hands were wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Mhmmm! Smells delicious!" she said with her soft morning voice while peeking to the pan from behind.

"I wanted to bring this to the bed and then wake you up.." I was a bit disappointed but still happy she was there with me.

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