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Run, Taeyong, run! Catch her and tell her everything!

I started running into the direction I had seen Y/N disappearing.

It didn't even take me five minutes to find her. But something was off. As I came closer, about 20 meters behind her, I noticed she wasn't walking properly. She was wavering heavily.

I instantly started walking faster to get to Y/N as soon as possible. But it was too late.

A few seconds before reaching her she collapsed.
I started sprinting towards her, kneeled down next to her and put my hand underneath her head.

Y/N was very pale. Even her lips. Her still teary eyes were weakly looking into mine.

"Taeyong?" she whispered quietly "What's happening?" as she tried to hold onto my shirt I could notice she was shaking.

"Everything is okay Y/N!"

"Taeyong my.. my head..." her words were barely audible.

I panicked.

Y/N's eyes closed and she took my hand.

"Taeyong.." her voice got weaker and weaker.

I moved my head next to hers to understand her properly.

"I'm scared.."

My tears came back at this heartbreaking sight. It was all my fault. If I had been mature enough to say no to that bet nothing of this would had happened.

"Everything will be fine. I promise you Y/N!"

After this she passed out. Fuck help!


" bed for a few days... chronical headaches... care.."

What? What is it? What happened? And what's happening right now?

You tried to turn your head and open your eyes.

Ouhhh fuck that hurts!

Quietly you winced in pain and whined. But it seemed to be loud enough to get the attention of the people speaking in the room.

"Y/N?" a familiar voice sounded, very happy to finally hear yours again but also worried.

Slowly and carefully you opened your eyes again to see a person you actually didn't want to see coming towards you.

The other person seemed to be a doctor according to his white coat.

Wait... a doctor?!

"Good, she's awake. Then I'll leave now. See you in a few days!" the man in the white coat said.

"Thank you so much! Good bye!" the person right next to you answered him.

"But wait! What happ-" but your words got cought off by the sound of the closing door.


A deep sigh.


You turned your head away from him.

"Come on, Y/N! Talk to me!"

You sighed as well and slowly looked at him "What happened, Taeyong?"

"You collapsed after ... leaving me.. Why didn't you-"

"But if I left, how could you know?" you cut him off.

"Well... I followed you" he admitted while staring down on his feet.

Trust me | Taeyong X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang