Car Crash

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“I’m sorry Tori, if your late again I’m going to have to fire you. Don’t make me do that to you.” David looked at the floor explaining this to the girl. Tori having trouble being on time wasn’t her fault really, her body just disagreed and refused to get up. Plus on top of her job she was working on getting accepted at Santa Barbra Brooks Institute as a photographer. It was her dream to be one. Everyone told her she had a wonderful eye for photography and that she had potential.

Tori jerked her head out of the past as her water bottle fell to the floor of her car.

“Ohh shoot,” she grumbled, leaning down and fumbling around trying to locate her water bottle.

“Ah, there you are” she sighed, gripping the bottle, just in time for her eyes to focus on the road in front of her. A gasp escaped from behind her lips as she looked up.

“Oh my God,” Tori shouted, swerving out of the way of the lighted face a few feet away. She sighed in relief, missing the small child. Horror filled her as she heard a small thud that sent her mind reeling. Slamming on the breaks she froze, processing what had just happened. Gripping the wheel she felt ice explode throughout her body. The has to be a dream, she thought as she started trembling. Grabbing hold of her phone she dialed 911 stating her location and situation. Glancing out the window she saw a girl around 14 years old standing petrified, unable to move. She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, with pink sandals. Tori yanked on the door handle thrusting herself out of the car and imminently fell to the floor. Gasping for breath, she crawled to the back of her car and gasped in horror as she took in what was in front of her. A woman lay sprawled on the ground, which had now been turned red with blood.

“Emily, where i-is s-she” the women gasped. Tori stared at her wide eyes not knowing what to do. She looked to see the girl knelt down next to her, cradling the women’s face.

“Mom, it’s going to be ok,” the young girl gasped trying to hold back the sobs. Tori clenched her stomach trying to keep down the bile that was building up at the back of her throat.

“I- oh my God. I- didn’t mean to it’s an accident,” Tori managed to say her whole body shaking as she looked into the women’s eyes, they were filled with fear.

“Ava, find Emily,” she spoke in a now calm voice, staring at the 14 year old girl. Tori grabbed hold of the woman's hand, squeezing it tight as she was now gasping for breath her eyes wild scanning for something. As Tori followed her gaze her eyes landed on something far off in the distance. Tori’s eyes widened in horror. This can't be happening, she screamed in her mind. She had hit two people! Inevitable hot tears started streaming down her face, dangling at her chin for a moment just to join the pooling blood on the street. Tori looked back at the mother to find her completely motionless, the color drained from her face and her eyes closed. In a way she almost looked peaceful. She glanced around. Where could the ambulance be! The thought sped through her mind over and over again luckily the young girl was over with the other sister. Should I stay here, Tori thought, or go comfort the young girl? She nodded as she scrambled to her feet. It took everything she had to make her way over to the two. She looked down to see a girl, no older than 5, with white snow-white hair and wide blue eyes. This must be Emily, she thought. The young girl was in shock, trembling and staring off at nothing. Immediately Tori dropped to her knees and reached a tentative hand out to her. Her body was so frail. How is she still alive? Tori asked herself.

“Where’s mom?” The little girl’s voice was strong but Tori could hear the sorrow underneath. She wanted her mother’s comfort, but little did she know she would never receive it ever again.

“She’s safe now” Tori breathed trying to have a convincing voice. The baby girl’s eyes relaxed a little, but the older girl, Ava, couldn’t control her sobs as she held her little sister. Sirens sang as the ambulance came near, Emily’s eyes grew wide again as medics came near trying to help. With all their gear on the poor girl probably thought they were aliens taking her away never to return.

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