Room For Rent

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The family arrived at the restaurant, got seated at their table and ordered their food.

“So.. I’ve been thinking” Aunt Sara started, that was never good Ava thought to herself looking down and the checkered table cloth not wanting to hear what new idea her aunt was planning for the family.

“We have a spare room, I thought we could clean it out and start renting it out” her tone was light, she was proud of her idea and would hope everyone would agree. The Chapmen’s house had plenty of space now since Kyle was home the family still had a room left over and leaving their parents room untouched.

“Well I think that’s a great idea” Kyle chimed in he was always looking on the bright side of things; he got that trait from the mom. Ava liked that trait. John and Ava nodded in approval as well, which made Aunt Sara’s smile, grow wider with satisfaction.

“Good! I already put it in the journal” her lips turning up in a smile her eyes lighting in excitement.

Their food arrived and it was settled to clean out the room the very next day so someone could move in.


“Call me as soon as you land” Julie ordered embracing Victoria tight, swaying back in forth. Victoria rolled her eyes hugging her good friend back knowing she would be missing her as soon as her flight took off.

“Yes mom” Tori giggled pulling away to see tears in her eyes, Tori was taken aback, she didn’t know this was truly affecting her.

“Aw why are you crying, it wont be long before your off on your assignment on your way to see me” Tori reassured her sending a finger gently across her face erasing the tear from existence. Julie sincerely cared about Victoria she had always been there for when Tori developed the nightmares what would happen now? Julie couldn’t be there to comfort her and that’s what worried her the most.

“I know..” Julie mumbled sniffling back some tears as she straightened up her posture forcing a smile. Tori couldn’t fight it any more and wrapped her arms around her one last time.

“Last call for gate 417” the voice of the intercom rang startling both the girls.

“Well, that’s my flight. I’ll call you as soon as I land, I promise.” Tori assured looking into her friend’s eyes giving her a ‘are you going to be ok?’ look with Julie just giving a nod in response. Tori nodded turning away heading towards the hallway leading to the plane.

“Love you Jay!” Tori spun around quickly flashing a smile to her friend, entering the claustrophobic hallway leading to the metal aircraft that would carry her to her most haunted memories. Glancing at her ticket Tori found her seat, sticking her luggage in at the top settling in for the flight. Rummaging through her bag she located her iTouch and headphones wanting to quickly zone out the world that would soon be below her. The plane started taking off rattling everything around her Tori gripped the seats hoping that would realeve some of the shakes but, she was wrong. Her heart hammered inside her chest for the next few minutes of take off, gradually the shaking seized calming her heart rate leaving just her and her music. Slowly her eyelids closed fading into sleep.

            The door opened abruptly causing her to jerk up swiftly whipping her face. There a man stood halfway in the door looking her over, clearing his throat he entered having the door slam behind him Victoria jolting at the sound.

“Victoria Evens” he stated slapping a handful of paperwork on the metal table, seating himself across from her. She tried to be strong but she could already feel her tears welling up to the surface. Her only response was a sniffle and stiff nod of her head waiting for him to continue. His face was hard, almost as it were made of stone but that quickly changed seeing her state. He sighed wishing there was a different situation for the young girl, she was so young so young to be scarred.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2012 ⏰

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