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A lot of people don't really know what plagiarism is so I put the definition up there for you


Michael was frustrated, it was eight in the morning and Indrid refused to get ready for school.

"Indrid you have to go." Michael sighed.

"No." She whined running away from her dad.

Michael groaned before Luke walked in the room sitting beside him.

"She'll go eventually." Luke whispered in his raspy morning voice.

Michael rolled his eyes shrugging Luke off and standing up.

"She needs to go now though." Michael sighed angrily looking in every room for his child.

"Indrid I'm not playing come out right now!" Michael yelled before stomping into the kitchen looking in cabinets.

Luke followed quietly seeing a piece of Indrids a hair sticking out from under the t.v stand.

Luke walked over to Michael tapping him on the shoulder.

"Jesus Christ, what Luke!" Michael growled causing Luke to flinch.

Luke felt hurt, he knew Michael was irritated and he knew Michael knew he was sensitive so he decided to leave Michael be.

"Nevermind." Luke whispered turning around just to roll his eyes.

"Indrid come out right now don't make me count." Michael yelled one last time.

He heard a small sigh before Indrid crawled out crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come on let's get dressed." Michael sighed picking her up.

"Bye Emmi, Bye Lukey." She waved sadly as her and Michael left her room heading out the door.


About 15 minutes later Luke heard the front door shut loudly. It didn't slam but it did startle the blonde.

Luke walked out to see Michael kicking off his shoes before he looked up to see the blue eyed boy.

"Fuck, not now Luke." Michael angrily groaned plopping on the couch.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows before finally speaking up.

"I didn't even do anything." Luke sighed rolling his eyes.

"I don't know why you had to get all bitchy but whatever."

"Me? I'm the one who's bitchy Michael? Really?" Luke turned around laughing.

Before Michael could reply Luke spoke up again.

"You've been acting like a dick all morning if I'm being honest. I mean I understand that you're pissed off and irritated about Indrid not wanting to go to school but in the end she ended up going and you have know right to take it out on me."

Michael looked at like with the most darkly face he's ever seen.

The colorful haired man didn't know what to say so he just sat their with the same expression.

Luke chuckled running his hand through his hair before walking into their room.

Luke grabbed his bag and started shoving his clothes in there before Michael walked in.

"What're you doing now." Michael sighed but stopped when he saw Luke packing.

"I'm going home." Luke simply said zipping his bag up before looking for his shoes.

"Luke this is your home just calm down and unpack." Michael ran a hand through his hair before grabbing Luke's wrist.

Luke ignored the man and continued looking for his shoes, spotting them My the nightstand.

Luke wriggled his wrist out of Michael grip grabbing his shoes slipping them on.

"My home is where Ashton is, where all my clothes are, and-"

"Luke this is your home just as much and your apartment with Ashton is." Michael grabbed his wrist again.

"Stop grabbing me like I'm an object." Luke groaned wiggling out of his grip again.

Something must of snapped inside Michael due to Luke's stubbornness.

"You know what? If you wanna leave fucking leave." Michael said leaving the room mumbling a 'fucking bitch' underneath his breath before slamming the door.

Luke finished tying his shoes before he felt something wet hit his hand.

"Am I really crying." Luke sniffed to himself walking to Michael's mirror trying to stop the tears.

Luke felt unwanted again, just like he did with Eliot.

Michael soon came back in to get his charger causing Luke to jumping quickly wiping his tears away pretending he was tying his shoe again.

Michael saw his tear stained cheeks in the mirror and rolled his eyes.

"Are you really crying, Luke?" Michael sighed unplugging his charger standing behind the boy.

Luke tried to sound as strong and emotionless as he could but failed.

"Nope" Luke croaked almost letting a small sob escape.

"You're such a fucking crybaby." Michael groaned before leaving the room.

Luke sighed wiping away his extra tears trying to hold them in as he walked past Michael on the couch.

"So you'll text me later?" Michael snickered staring at his phone causing Luke to let of a scoff mixed with a sob.

"You're just like Eliot." Luke sighed wiping away his tears before opening the door.

Michael immediately shot his head in Luke's direction after those words left his mouth and when Luke shut the door Michael ran over to open it back up and apologize but stopped himself just staring at the door knob.

Little did he know Luke waited approximately 30 seconds hoping Michael would come out to get him but once he didn't Luke just walked down the stairs and as soon as he got outside he started sobbing not caring who heard while he texted Ashton.

He just wanted Michael to apologize.


I'm excited for 5sos3!1!

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