Chapter One: Worry and Fear

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Guys the first part of this story actually happened, A small child really did see a drone flying above our Christian school. My friends who were watching from a window later confirmed that it was an Iranian man. It was scary and a lot of the students were worried, but nothing happened. We are all still alive I promise. But my mind couldn't get away from the idea of What if something had happened, what would I do? SO yeah, I am Emma, a friend of mine is Marcus, and a senior and his girlfriend are Ethan and Ava (Not our actual names, though). Our school Administrator is Mr. Bentley and my Youth Pastor/ our athletic director/ interim pastor is Ashton Miller. Please Like comment and share if you enjoy!

Overcast skies clouded the school property, casting a shadow everywhere. The distant hum of students chattering and cars coming and going filled the damp air. One young child, hearing something that no others did, looked to the sky and pointed, tugging at his mother's sleeves. "Look, what's up in the sky?"

"I don't see anything, sweetie. It's just your imagination." The mother comforted, pulling him out of the busy parking lot and through the school doors.

"But there was something there. I saw something."

"Come on, you are going to be late." She disregarded his statement and directed him to his class. He soon forgot about the unknown thing in the sky and began to play with the others in the first grade class.

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Marcus pushed his car door shut and grabbed his backpack. He saw a first-grader point to the sky and he strained his ears to hear what he said. What's in the sky? He heard. He looked to the sky and saw a small black dot floating amongst the low hanging clouds. He recognized the shape of the object and quickly scanned the parking lot to find who was controlling it. Why is a drone flying directly above the school's entrance? He scanned the people in the parking lot but no one was holding the remote control. He grew confused. How far away could one pilot a drone?

He headed inside and into his first period class. He glanced out the window, which overlooked Kmart's parking lot and saw a white suburban van with its trunk open. He looked closer and saw an Iranian man holding a black box with a small monitor. He was staring into the monitor, and using small switches on either side of it to pilot the drone. The controller was strung around his neck with a black strap and while one hand controlled the drone, the other hand was holding a pen, marking a notebook with what looked like tally marks. Marcus realized that every time someone walked through the door, the man's hand moved to mark another tally.

He is counting the students!

Marcus hurried to his locker where he kept his camera. He quickly grabbed the case and brought out the camera. He threw the strap over his shoulder, ran back up the stairs to his classroom, and pulled the curtains across the window. He snapped pictures of the man's car, controller and notebook. He quickly captured his face in another picture too. Whatever happens, I have evidence. He grinned at the thought of reporting this incident to the police. He had dreamed about being an investigator for a long time and the chance to actually do what he had thought about so much gave him a feeling of excitement. At the same time, it paralyzed him with fear. What if something went wrong because of something he did? He pushed the thought out of his mind and left the classroom with the camera gripped in his hands. His feet pounded determinedly through the hallway, his face showing nothing amiss. He jumped down the stairs, taking two at a time, and jogged to the office. "Mrs. Blackstone, where is the administrator?"

Mrs. Blackstone looked down at him through her glasses and squinted her eyes in curiosity. "What do you need him for? School is about to begin. "

"I know, but this is important."

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