Chapter Four: Heroism even in Death

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This is only going to be a short story, maybe one or two more chapters. Enjoy what left though! Please like and comment!

The sound from the firing weapon and the smoke from its barrel filled the air, mixing with the screams of the school. In the back of her mind, Emma thought she heard a siren, but she couldn't be sure in the deafening tumult. The shots stopped, and she saw that he had to refill the ammunition.

For a moment, all was silence. Everyone was anticipating the shots, expecting the pain from a gunshot, awaiting their death. Please let it be quick. Emma prayed. Everyone around her held their breath. The wait was almost worse than the action. When would it happen? What was taking him so long? Just get it over with. She begged in her mind.

But it never came.

She chanced a look up at their attacker, and saw him muttering something in Arabic. He threw the gun to the ground and turned around, running as fast as he could. From the darkness and tense silence, she couldn't tell what had happened, but she was glad that he was gone.

A joyous sound met her ears.

People weren't cheering that he was gone, but they had heard him run into something, or rather someone. Running into a wall makes a rather different sound than running into a person. Umphf! Came from the hallway, and the next sound was what made them all cheer:

"Get on the ground! We will shoot."

The police officer's voice was a welcome relief to the terrified students and teachers. There was sounds of a scuffle, but they heard the man being shoved to the ground. A teacher quickly found a light switch and flipped it on.

The light blinded everyone for a few moments, but when their eyes adjusted to the glare, they saw what they had all desperately dreamed about. The shooter was down, beneath a police man and surrounded by a SWAT team,guns poised in case he tried something. His gun had been collected by the police for evidence, and he was handcuffed behind his back. They forced him to stand, and Emma could see what had happened in the scuffle. His right eye was starting to turn black and blue, and his lip was puffy and bleeding. Two other officers also bore the brunt of the struggle, but they would be okay.

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Marcus felt a small welt on his head, when he looked at his hand, it was bloody. I will live, i need to help the others. As the paramedics began filling the room, Marcus could see what the gunfire had done. Several of the teachers who had been near the door had deep burn marks on their face and arms from the explosion. One man did not get up when the others around him did.

No! Mr. Bentley!

Marcus waited, hoping, praying that he would get up, that he would breathe. No movement of his chest revealed any breathing. Two emergency workers surrounded him, trying got revive him, but after a several minutes, they shook their heads sadly, and covered his paling face.

Through his teary eyes, he surveyed the room, noting the injured. The gunshots had drilled holes into the back wall, and some had gone through tables. The lowest classes, thankfully were spared from death. Five children had been grazed from bullets that had punctured the protective table barrier, but there was no other injury to the younger students. The paramedics took the injured from the scene, comforting them on the way to the ambulances. Teachers tried to comfort the shaking students, but their trembling hands and stuttering voices did little to help.

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The eldest boys of the high-school had all formed a protective barrier around the smallest boys of the high-school with their bodies. One boy had been shot in the leg, and he was being attended to by a paramedic. Another boy slumped over three of the smaller boys, on his back was the deep red circle of a gunshot wound. The boys that he had covered through the attack were crying. Wailing was a better word. They watched his body, but he never moved, never breathed. They gently lifted him from on top of them, and laid him on the ground next to them. His girlfriend came over beside them. Tears rolled down her cheeks. The three boys each gave her a sympathetic hug, and let her be as alone as one could be in the crowded room.

"He saved our lives, Ava" one whispered in an attempt to comfort her. She nodded dejectedly, and tried to smile, but it was a halfhearted attempt. He knew she was trying her best not to scream in agony, so he left her and rejoined the others.

As Ava let the tears fall, they dripped onto his blood-stained shirt. You were a hero; you were my hero. Ava cradled his head in her lap and gazed at the lifeless eyes. Those eyes would never look at her again with the same expression. They had only been dating for six months, but they had been friends nearly their whole life. She had loved him. When a paramedic came up beside her, she lay her hand on Ava's shoulder. "We have to take him. I'm sorry." Ava could sense the sincere empathy and turned into the lady's arms and just cried. The woman had seemed to expect that response and hugged her, letting her cry.

Watching them put her best friend, her boyfriend, in the body bag seemed like almost to much. Her heart broke, knowing that this was final. He was gone, and he wouldn't come back.

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Emma watched as the paramedics carried out the body bags. People that she knew had died, all because of a stranger. The anger burned deep within her. It broke her heart to watch her friends cry over their dead friends bodies.

After they had cleared all the students out of the lunchroom, they led them to the auditorim where many parents had gathered. They had been called about the shooting and had quickly arrived to check on their children. They waited until it was quieting down before they announced the death toll and the number of injured. Three had been killed and 29 had been injured. I know that Ethan and Mr. Bentley died, but who else? As they announced the names of the dead, Emma listened for the third name.

"Today there had been a tragedy and we have lost three great people. Our school administrator, John Bentley had guarded the door before the shooter blasted through the locked door. He sustained several burns to his face, but he would have lived. In an effort to protect us all, " The speaker's voice stumbled, and he wiped away a tear. "In an effort to protect us all, he threw himself at the shooter, wielding only a kitchen knife. Before he was able to do anything to the shooter, he was shot in the head." The speaker looked up to the ceiling, unable to continue. He took a moment to compose himself, but the tears streamed down his face as he started again. "This man was a great example to us, in everyday life and in an emergency. He didn't think of what the cost would be, he only cared for all of his students.

"Ethan James, a student in the senior class, was also lost today. Before the blast, He thought not of himself, but only to protect the others around him, who he knew couldn't survive a gunshot. He covered three of our junior high boys when the rampage began, shielding them from the gunfire. His selfless sacrifice saved their lives. He was truly a hero and he will be remembered as such.

"Miss Jeanette Brown, a high-school English teacher, will also be remembered for her bravery. After the shooting began, she crawled in the darkness toward the shooter. When he stopped to reload his weapon, she tried to grab the gun. She faced the barrel of the gun when the weapon misfired. She was killed immediately. This woman had the bravery of a lion, and she should be an example to us in the days to come.

"Lastly, I want to thank the first responders who took down the shooter. Their quick bravery saved countless lives. We owe them our thanks and our lives." The crowd in the auditorium stood and applauded the first responders who were able to stay.  The standing ovation lasted for more than five minutes, with many parents crying tears of joy that their children survived, because of them.

The speaker, Ashton Miller, also the temporary sports administrator, left the stage after thanking the students for their obedience to the teachers. Their obedience may have saved their lives. He came down into the crowd to talk to Ethan's parents who were crying, but yet still smiling as well.

Emma finally took a deep breath. They were safe. The damage was done. How would they get past this tragedy?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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