Suck on This

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Something just wasn't right about Jamie but I gave him a chance at being my friend anyway. We'd met while nearly tackling each other in the crowded, sweat and sneaker filled hallway of Dunnsington high. I was on my humble quest to meet a snarling , red-faced teacher equipped with five million detention slips.

He dropped all of his text books on the linoleum floor and looked up at me, his jaw dropped, eyes wide. He wore thick rimmed, black glasses. His eyes were crystal clear blue, unlike my midnight brown irises, his were bright and pleasant. Something about him disturbed me. He had a very pleasant air to him. I could feel it even while I was being sandwiched up against the wall of dark blue lockers. I bent down to pick up his books, simultaneously. That's when I caught a glimpse of the dark, purple scar on his left wrist. I glanced up at him, but by the time he finally bothered to notice the bell sounded nazally above us. He disappeared behind a corner, and I returned on my quest, headed to my certain doom.

Later that day at lunch, I noticed him sitting completely alone, and isolated, munching on nothing but a ruby red apple. I had no cliques, or friends for that matter, though I'd been enrolled at this school for three months so I had no one expecting me in their group. I was your classic Neanderthal, outcast, freak. I sat down beside him. Forget lunch, I thought, It's time to at least attempt to connect with another life form. He looked up from his apple, stopping mid- chew. I wanted to get up and go skulk around the empty hallways. I bit my tongue and brushed my jet black bangs from my eyes, something I did constantly without much thought. "Hi." I mumbled awkwardly. His blue eyes probed me, my face, my black on black clothes. I wondered if he was a little scared of me.  

"Hey..." He said. More awkward, lip biting silence.

"My name's -" That's when I saw her. She had deep, milk chocolate eyes with platinum blonde hair framing her ivory face. Her pale pink lips parted to reveal gleaming pearl white teeth. I'd never been so enthralled by a stranger before. "-Ty...ler" I said pathetically. She smiled over at me, then turned back to him, the dork. I was jealous, very jealous. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and he grinned embarrassedly at me. I wanted to wring his little neck.

"Hi, My name's Evangeline. I see you've already met my brother, Jamie." She said, her voice ringing out pleasantly like a bell. I wanted to punch myself in the face. Jamie was her brother?? All my jealousy disintegrated at once and was replaced with longing and confusion.




"Yoohoo? Anybody in there?" Jamie said, waving a hand in front of my face.

Until that moment I hadn't noticed that I was staring off into space, blankly. I looked up and tried to smoothen my features, it didn't work. Evangeline smiled knowingly. I wanted to stick a dagger in my gut and twist it. Yeah, I know, I have problems.

"So...Why black?" She asked, leaning in, probably unintentionally, towards me.

"W-what- do you mean?" She laughed, again I was comforted by the sound of her sensual bell- voice. I felt my heart skip a beat as she stared deep into my eyes, not looking away. It was as if she were a statue, frozen, like ice. I looked away for a minute, searching for Jamie. He'd disappeared so suddenly I wondered if he'd ever really been there, if he wasn't just a pathetic figment of my morbid imagination. Someone I'd just thought up out of pure loneliness. out of pure boredom. "I like black." I awnsered simply. Not wanting to seem to enthralled by her. I wanted to seem cool, casual. I don't think Evangeline was really convinced. She just smiled mischievously. Quirking a brow, she said,

"Hmm...Cool. So that means you're 'goth'?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." I awnsered nervously. I looked down at my half empty tray disconcertedly. Evangeline laughed.

"Either you're seriously shy, or being anti-social is a goth thing.." This made me laugh a little. I didn't really care about the 'goth' ridicule. I really didn't care much about any ridicule, though I faced it all the time. I breathed out a slow, relaxed breath and blinked a few times, taking in my surrounding once more.

Just when I was about to attempt to ask her out that nazal bell rang once more, filling me with dread.

"Damn you." I whispered internally.

Slow Upload! Chap Two Coming soon! LOL So sorry :) :)

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