Invitation and a....bite?

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I know what you're thinking...FINALLLY!

Ha ha suck xD Cx

You're welcome lovlies!



(sorry if it is a lil gloomy, I'm facing personal problems in my life and I cant help but being sad...M'kay :s please enjoy :) Thats all i ask you to do! Thnx)


I was ectsatic when Evangeline met me in the school parking lot after school. The air had a tiny chill in it, but the sun was beating down so there was no need for jackets.

"Hey Tyler.." She whispered, smiling widely as I stared n shock 

We walked through the parking lot, just talking nonstop. All I could pay attention to was her eyes. The conversation started up very quickly, It alos turned very personal very quickly. Before long this is what I was asking.

"So, You're adopted?" I asked, awkwardly. Evangeline smiled, her eyes thoughtful.

"Sort of.." She replied, looking down at her feet; She stuck her hands in her pockets and rocked back and forrth on her heels. "Hey..Tyler. There's a Carnival coming up. I was wondering if you'd go with me...?" Evangeline asked softly, Changing subject. she looked up at me and smuiled sweetly, awaiting my response.


I stared down at my wrist watch, biting my lip as I waited eagerly for the time to come. I still couldnt even begin to comprehend why she'd asked me out of all people, me? Maybe she felt bad for me. I thought, pushing a hard breath from my half closed lips as I waited.

"Tyler?" A familiar voice called out, I turned, expecting Evangeline. Instead, My Mother stood in the place of my beautiful, potential girlfriend. I sagged unintentionally.

My mother had semi black curls that framed her heart shaped face, a slight yet strongly curved figure, like that of a carving, and an olive complexion, But that didnt measure up to Evangeline. My mother quirked a brow at me and crossed her arms over her chest in suspicion. "Waiting for someone?" She asked, her lips turning up slightly. She was probably ecstatic that I'd found someone to wait on besides her, and death. I sighed, smiling back though I wanted to jump around in impatience.

"Yes, I-I am." I said, alternating between looking at her and the hands on my watch. Her smile widened, as she replied with a sly look in her light hazel eyes,

"A girl? You seem way too eager to be just waiting on a guy friend...unless.." She paused, looking me straught and my eyes and giving me a hard look.

"Tyler you know you can tell me anything, anything at all." I knew, with a blow of embarrasement, what she'd been implying.

"No Mom, I'm not Gay, or Bi-Curious..I think I would know." She sighed in relief, But I couldnt pay her any attention. Evangeline's Candy apple red Corvette had just pulled up into the driveway, the gravel crackling lightly under the tires. I held my breath as I awaited her. Now my mom wouldnt ask me if I was homosexual anymore, I finally had a girl worth talking to..


Evangeline's POV

I pulled up in front of the house, blinking away the sunlight that stung my eyes.  I snatched my keys out f the ignition after parking, opening the door and slamming it behind me.  I felt my nails dig into the fabric of my leather jacket, and tried to calm myself as I walked up the walkway towards Tyler and an older woman standing next to him. His mom, I thought. I forced a smile and held my breath. I could hear his blood as it trickled through his veins, pum-pumming through his warm heart. My true nature took over.

The product was a fantasy, skipping like a broken record, that I'd hidden deep in my mind.. so Jamie wouldnt ask.  He could sense my thoughts, and if he'd saw me thinking about putting my lips up to Tyler's neck, biting into the soft, delicated flesh; The warm reward pouring like a river into my mouth, he'd never let me near him.  I had to be near him. I'd watched him for months, studying his moves. There was something about Tyler that I just couldnt put my finger on, no matter how many countless hours I pondered. He drew me in, as I did him. I was acting on predatory instincts. I wanted to get him alone, wanted to take away his life, draining the last warm drop of blood from his body. Yet, the thought of him lifeless, cold and pale, made me restrain myself.  I'd just met him and I already felt the need to protect him, Like a peice of property. 

I reached Tyler and his mother and was immediatly shocked by there similarities.  He'd taken on a lot of traits from his mother, but what of his father? I thought, as Tyler's mother pulled me into a warm hug. I stiffened, inhaling her sweet scent. I sighed in relief when I realized that she didnt smell the same as Tyler, not even close.  I wrapped my arms around her, careful not to make my embrace to pronounced, hidhing my strength. She pulled away and motioned to Tyler. I smiled and nodded. My smile widened when I realized there was excitemen in her eyes. Tyler scowled. His mother broke the silence. 

"Hello, My name's Marie Swanson, you can call me Marie, and you are...?"

"Evangeline Culhen, It's very nice to meet you." I replied politely, glancing over at Tyler questioningly. He scowled again and I turned back to Marie. 

"You..two..have fun, go-go ahead have fun." She stuttered, clearly ecstatic.  I motioned to the car, parked a few feet away. Tyler blinked at me as if I'd just told him to cut my finger off. I rolled my eyes and walked towards my car, opening the door and motioning to my open car.  His face twisted with that  Oh-Im-stupid look- , embarrasement. His face flushed, and I felt a smile perk my lips. 

"Holy hell, I have never in my long life seen a guy blush like that." Jamie said, grinning at me from the driver's seat. He propped his feet up on the dashboard, his hands behind his head. He leaned back, chuckling. I groaned. 

"What the fuck Jamie? I told you to stay home!"I whispered, in a tone so low that no human could hear.   He sighed, then looked at Tyler approaching, pressing his lips together to hide laughter and disappeared in the blink of an eye. 

"Did..I just see Jamie?" Tyler asked, resting a palm on my shoulder, I turned quickly, startling him. 

"No! No...Jamie is at home." His eyes were full of suspicion, but he nodded. I moved aside so he could get into the passenger's seat. Then walked around to the other side and plopped in, looking over at him, I grinned, grabbing my sunglasses from the dashboard and putting them on.

"Arent you not supposed to drive with those?" Tyler questioned, staring over at me incredulously. 

"Trust me, It's better when she has those on." Jamie interjected, smiling slyly. i gave a hard look and he squealed sarcastically. Tyler was in a world of confusion. 

"Oh no! scary! Come on sis, I just wanted to have some fun.. I snuck into the back when you werent looking. Blonde's dont notice anything." He cracked, laughing softly. I growled, turning the key in the ignition and flooring it, sending Jamie forward against the back of the seat.  Hie hit the seat with an "oof" and I giggled.   'Dont underestimate blondes little bro to, they're smarter than you think." I snapped, slowing the car. I glanced over at Tyler, whose eyes were as wide as a deer's in traffic lights. 

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