Good Dog

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Amy stayed with Mark for two months while his shoulder slowly healed, accompanying him to his chemo appointments while also helping him take care of Chica.

Bob, Mandy, Wade, and Molly visited once and went on a trip with him and Amy to Disneyland, but didn't stay long much to Mark's disappointment and slight relief.

The sympathetic glances they constantly shot him when they thought he wasn't looking hurt him like a punch to the gut.

His family cane for a week and met Amy and Chica before they too left, making Mark feel isolated from them as he watched them walk out the door.

"Good morning sleepy-head, you slept in again." Mark heard Amy whisper in his ear as she ruffled his hair playfully.

"Nooooo." Mark groaned sleepily as he snuggled deeper into his fortress of blankets, covering his head.

"Oh well, I guess I'll just eat all of the doughnuts by myself then." Amy taunted as she started walking towards the door.

"You wouldn't dare." Mark mumbled from beneath his covers.

"Try me." Amy replied cockily as she left the room.

Mark groaned again as he reluctantly flipped the blankets off of him and sat up, slowly cracking his eyes open to face the bright lights.

Chica was lying on the end of the bed by his feet, her eyes still closed in sleep despite Mark's movements.

"Good girl." Mark smiled as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and hopped off before walking to the kitchen.

"Aw man, I was hoping I'd get all of the doughnuts and coffee." Amy teased with a playful grin as she handed Mark a black mug of coffee.

"Thanks Amy." Mark nodded in appreciation as he took the coffee and grabbed a glazed doughnut from the box on the counter before sitting down at the table.

"Where's Chica?" Amy asked as she sat down beside him with her own dark roast coffee and chocolate doughnut in hand.

"She's sleeping on my bed." Mark mumbled after taking a sip of his coffee.

"What about your diet?" Amy reminded him with a smirk, holding her hand out for the doughnut.

"Never!" Mark declared as he stuffed the doughnut in his mouth.

With ninja-like skills, Amy snatched the doughnut out of his mouth before he could close it.

"Bad Markimoo." Amy reprimanded him jokingly.

"Well what am I eating then?!" Mark huffed as he gazed longingly at the doughnut in her hand.

"I made bacon for you." Amy assured him, gesturing to the sizzling pan on the warm stovetop.

"Fine." Mark conceded, getting up and stuffing several bacon strips into his mouth.

"You didn't have to eat it all at once!" Amy laughed as she watched Mark crunch on his breakfast.

"If's ruly fud." Mark mumbled through a mouthful of bacon.

"I don't speak food-speak Mark." Amy giggled.

"I said, it's really good." Mark repeated after swallowing his food much to Amy's surprise.

"I'll take Chica on her walk, you go take your shower and get dressed for your appointment." Amy instructed in a motherly tone she often used with him.

"Yes mom." Mark replied teasingly as he retreated into his room before going into the bathroom.

"C'mere Chica-Bica!" Amy called out as she mangled the leash in hand.

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