Chapter 10

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Bucky was running a little late. He didn't count on all the traffic. For some reason, there was more traffic than usual. It was 10:45, and he was still same 10 minutes away. He could get there with 5 minutes to spare if this traffic were to move. He decided to call the front desk just to be on the safe side. He pulled out the card Steve gave him and dialed the number. It started to ring, and Bucky waited for the person to answer.

"Hello! Russo-American Ballet School. This is Daisy Johnson speaking. How may I help you?"

"Good morning, Miss Johnson. I was just calling to let you know I may be late to pick up a student of yours."

"What is her name?"

"Olivia Margaret Rogers."

"All right. I will let Miss Romanoff know."

"Ok thanks." Bucky was about to hang up when he heard Daisy speak again.



"What's your name, sir? I need to know because Miss Romanoff has instructions to let her go with a certain person on a certain day. I'm pretty sure you're that person, but I just need to make sure."

"I completely understand. I'm James Barnes. Steve might have told you I go by Buck or Bucky."

"Ok, thank you, Mr. Barnes I will let her know."

"Thanks. I may or may not be late. I just wanted to let you know just in case."

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine."

"Well, have a nice day!"



Bucky got to the ballet school just as the class finished. When Livy saw him, she ran to him. "Uncle Bucky!"

Bucky crouched down to her level and opened his arms so that Livy could hug him. Livy ran into him and gave him a big hug. Bucky picked her up and twirled her.

"Hi, Livs! How was your ballet class?"


"That's good to hear."

"Do you want to meet my teacher?"

"Yes, I think I would really like to meet her."

As if on cue, Natasha walked up to them. "You must be Steve's friend."

"Yes, I am. James Buchanan Barnes. Most people call me Buck or Bucky."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Natasha Romanoff, Livy's ballet teacher."

"Steve was right. She is pretty," Bucky mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Just remembered that I have something to do tomorrow."

Natasha eyed him suspiciously.

"Well, Livs and I have to go. It was really nice meeting you, Miss Romanoff."

"The pleasure was all mine." Turning to Livy she said, "Don't forget to practice, ok?"

Livy nodded her head. She then walked up to her and gave her a hug. "See you tomorrow."

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow. Be good!"


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