Chapter 32

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The days Livy was still in the hospital, she had visitors at all hours of the day. Her aunts and uncles came to visit her as well as her classmates and ballet friends. She got lots of cards, balloons, candy, stuffed animals, and flowers. She definitely enjoyed all of the attention she was getting.

On the second day after her surgery, Dr. Cho released her from the hospital. Livy would have to take it easy meaning that she would have to take a break from ballet until she was given the ok to start up again. She was a little disappointed to hear that, but Steve promised her that she could still go visit Natasha whenever she wanted. After Steve had signed the release papers, she was all set to leave the hospital. Steve only had to help her into the change of clothes she had brought her, and she would be all set to leave. The nurse wheeled her out in a wheelchair, and Steve buckled her in her car seat. Once he was in the car, Livy asked, "Can we go see Miss Nat?"

Steve looked at her in the rearview mirror. "You know she has ballet classes right now. I don't think that we should interrupt that."

"Please, Daddy. I want to go see her," Livy pleaded.

"You saw her last night, Princess."

"That was yesterday. I want to see her today," Livy said persistently.

Steve smiled at her persistence. "Let's make a deal. We'll go see her during her lunch break. Is that ok with you?"

Livy nodded her head eagerly.

Steve glanced at the time. It was a half past ten, so they had a little time before they went to see Natasha. He didn't want to drive all the way home since they would have to come back to Manhattan in about an hour and a half. He was trying to come up with something to kill time. Finally, an idea struck him. "Princess, how about we go to Toys R Us while we wait for lunchtime?"

Livy's eyes brightened up. "YES!" she squealed.

There was a little over a month before Christmas, and Steve wanted to get an idea of what to get Livy for Christmas. "But, we won't be buying anything today," Steve let her know.

"Ok, Daddy," she consented.


They spent most of the hour and a half in the store. If Livy hadn't had surgery a couple of days ago, she would have been running all over the store like crazy. Since Steve was carrying her, she opted for asking him to go to certain aisles. Her eyes brightened with everything they saw from kitchen sets to stuffed animals. To say the least, she wanted everything she saw. He let her walk around a bit so that she could see the displays a bit better. He could tell that she could stay in that store all day long. She was busy exploring a kitchen set when Steve saw they should probably get going if they were going to catch Natasha before she went out for lunch.

"Princess, we need to go now," Steve told her.

"But, Daddy, I don't want to go yet," she whined.

Steve tried to hide his smile. "Well, I guess we won't go see Miss Nat then."

When Livy heard that, she immediately walked back to his side. "No, I want to go see her!" she protested.

Steve smiled at her protest. "I thought you wanted to stay here and keep looking at the toys."

Livy shook her head and grabbed onto Steve's legs. "I want to go now."

Steve laughed and picked her up. He knew how much she loved being with Natasha, so he knew she wouldn't want to stay in Toys R Us any longer if they were going to see Natasha.

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