C h a p t e r ~ f i v e

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1 month later

Hermione's P.O.V.
"Ron you have to pick one" I tell Ron looking at a flower catalog "I don't know 'mione you're the woman you know more about flowers" I roll my eyes "I like both,  i just wanna know which one you like more" I say to Ron for what seems like the fifth time "I like both too" he says brushing his fingers through his red hair.

"Okay" I say grabbing a coin from my pocket, "heads says lilies tales says orchids" I flip the coin into the air and slap it onto my hand. I look up at Ron... "lilies" he smiles at me "it's settled then" he kisses me holding the sides of my face. "The wedding is gonna be perfect" I say smiling at Ron.


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"I...uhhh I have to go... umm do stuff 'mione" Ron says, quickly. He kisses my cheek and leaves the house.

I have a feeling that Ron is planning something for the wedding. He's been leaving unexpectedly sometimes for the night but I know deep down he's planning something, I can't wait to find out.

Draco's P.O.V.
Astoria and I have been well.... not in love but more like.... fuck buddies for a while. Since I have to marry her either way due to the whole plan and it would be best for the company.... I figured I'd get a little fun out of it.

I decided to propose to Astoria. The industry is going through an issue since the Gringotts bank got robbed. They stole 52,000 galleons and for some reason the blame is on us. I knew that since after Astoria gets married she gets her family inheritance, she could help me bring back Malfoy Industries to its glory days.

I plan to go shopping for the ring next week Saturday. Astoria keeps going away unexpectedly. She says she's visiting her mother who's sick, she sometimes stays the night. I find it sweet from her, but its getting strange lately. I offered to send some elves over but she strongly refuses.

I would call her mom but I've never met her so I don't want to frighten her, plus Astoria says she's really shy and doesn't wanna meet any of her boyfriends until the wedding.


Hermione's P.O.V.

"Ron you can't keep bloody going away like this! You were gone for two days without any warning. I WAS WORRIED SICK RON DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Ron was out for two days, to god knows where, a few days ago I though he was planning a surprise, but it's gone too far and he's getting suspicious.

"'Mione please" Ron begins holding my hands, I quickly yank them away and cross my arms, "Hermione please let me make it up to you, I know I messed up" he looks at me regret in his eyes. "Ron it's not the time to mess up! The wedding is IN ONE WEEK! ONE! That means that in seven days we will be man and wife." I give him a stern look as if shaming him "I need you here, full time... 24/7" he plays with his fingers and without making eye contact replies.

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