May 15th, 2014

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May 15th, 2014:

            Looks like I might've forgotten about this journal, whoops. I suppose that's a rather good thing though. I started this journal out of fear for my life, documentation if ever anything happened to me. Things have been going well, the medication began to take effect. I've only had the dream once or twice since starting it. I started back at my job this month. It certainly was embarrassing at first, the way my coworkers looked at me with pity, but I think I've reintegrated rather well these past few weeks. Brandon and I will be married in less than a month, I'm so excited! After my breakdown, I thought I had lost him for good. I'm so lucky to have found someone like him! I'm about to go out, Yasmin and Luna are taking me to my final dress fitting today. I'm sure I'll return in a month to tell you all about the wedding.

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