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“Aph?” I wanted to see her eyes, I knew they had to be full of wonder. She looked at me and placed her hands on my chest again. “Yeah Aaron?” I put my arms around her and brought her close, I kissed her softly and she kissed me back. She left one hand on my chest and moved the other to my shoulder. I went and kissed her neck and she moved her head to allow me more. I took it and kissed her entire neck and I put my hands under her shirt but stayed low as to not lose this moment. I kissed up her neck to under her ear and I felt her shiver a little and I smiled and bit her ear gently and she sorta melted into me. I put my hands farther up her back and softly whispered in her ear “if you want me to stop just let me know.” She smiled and just nodded slightly. Her face was bright red but she was clearly enjoying this. I put one hand under her hair and ran my fingers through it. I kissed her neck more and I gently bit her neck a few times to see how she would react. Her breath became more shaky but she didn't stop me so I continued.

    I sorta lifted on her shirt but not enough to uncover her chest, I wasn't going to push her into something like that if she wasn't willing to let me. “A...Aaron” I moved my hands and looked to her, her face was bright red. “Yeah Aph?” she pulled me into a deep kiss and I let her, I kissed back and brought her as close to me has possible and she bit my tongue as we kissed. This time it was me that shivered and I think she noticed as she kept the kiss. I put my hands back under her shirt and slowly lifted it up. Her body almost seemed to shy away from my touch but also had a sense of want or need. I kept the kiss strong and she stayed close with an almost urgent need to have more of me.

I could feel her heart racing and her breathing. I broke the kiss and started kissing her neck again. All I wanted was Her, I wanted to have her, all of her. Every inch of her skin was a holy grail I had to find. “Aph… May I?” I lifted her shirt higher, her skin grew hot, I knew she was blushing more but I wanted to wait for her ok before I went any further. She was hesitant but nodded. I smiled and lifted her shirt over her head and then looked over her admiring her body, her face was so red. “You’re beautiful” I moved her hair to one side and kissed the other side of her neck and shoulder again. Her skin was still hot so it was a welcomed feeling.

Aaron's Love for AphTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang