I will

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''There she is again.. So beautiful, so pretty... I'm in love with her eyes, body, lips. With everything!''

07:00am: The alarm rings.

''And it's morning again... New day, new adventure!'' He put his clothes on and go downstairs. ''Goodmorning Guys!!'' The boys looked up to him. ''Morning Harry, why are you so happy this morning?'' Asked Liam. ''I saw her again... But now she was with a friend, she looked pretty too! But more for Niall!'' Harry looked at Niall and give him a wink, he smiled. ''So Harry, where do you go now?'' Niall asked. ''I go outside, and I will find her! Maybe not today but....'' ''Haha, I go with you bro.!!'' Louis grabbed his jacket and they go outside. ''Look there!'' Louis pointed to the candy shop. ''Look! Isn't that your girl and her pretty friend?'' They walked to the candy shop. ''No it isn't her...'' Harry turned around and walked away sadly. ''I just want to meet her...'' He said sadly and started to cry. ''Awwhh buddy, don't cry. We'll find her!!'' And they go home.

02:00pm: Home again

'I wish I found you, my life is complete with you. I missing my last puzzle piece, and you're that piece...'

''Niall, why are you so... so...'' ''Why am I so?'' ''So well dressed?! It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon.'' ''I go find the hot friend of your chick!''

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