His Secret Life

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Three years later...

It was heavily raining outside. No one was sparing a second standing in the rain washed courtyard, nor anywhere outside of their classrooms, for this weather was a particularly wild one which one would not cross.

Ali had came splattering through puddles of rainwater into the school. Once under a roof, he heaved a sigh. A gust of wind made him shiver on the spot. His hair, shoes and uniform were so wet they might have just came out of the laundry. He could even feel as water seeped down his back. Again, he shuddered.

In his hopeless fight against the rain, he had used one of Miss Munah's exercise books to cover his head. Now only the soaky remains of Miss Munah's exercise book was clutched in his hand. Ali stared at it with a look of total forboding. She's going to kill him.

Hastily stowing the soggy book into his red and blue backpack, he continued on his journey to his classroom, at the same time stuffing a pair of red earbuds into his ears.

His classroom, which was consisted of eight people, had Miss Munah standing at the front. Suddenly rooted to the doorframe, Ali quickly looked at the clock above the smart board. It was two to eight. Well, at least he wasn't late.

"What're you still standing there for?" Miss Munah demanded severely. "Get into your seat!"

"Sorry, miss," Ali said.

He took his seat at the middle of the classroom. On his back-right sat his best friend, Viktor, who gave him a smile of relief (he took it because he arrived on time) before focusing back to Miss Munah at the front of the class.

Ali did not take off his earbuds even as Miss Munah talked. Miss Munah knows not to ask him to take it off, because no matter how many times she punished him in all sorts of ways, he would continue to wear them the next day, which totally defies her aim. Ali's a stubborn one; he knows that, but listening to music has just became a part of him ever since four years ago.

"Now, class, as you all know," Miss Munah said in a business like tone. "This year is an extremely important year. I expect you all to scratch up your grades before your examination next year. Each of you better get 6As-" She swept the class once through her sharp, eagle-like eyes. Ali rather momentarily felt goosebumps rise on his skin. "-before I give you 6As..."

It seemed as though everyone was holding their breath; none dared to even let loose of so much as a breath. The silent stretched for what felt like hours before Miss Munah said in a louder voice, "So! Let me see the progress of your maths homework. If you're done, put them on my desk."

That was when Ali knew, he was going to have it big time. He shakily raised his right hand, feeling all the life seeping out of him at the same time.

"What, Ali?" Miss Munah inquired suspiciously through sharp, narrowed eyes.

"I...um...it's..." Ali stalled. "The exercise book is...soaked."

Miss Munah's eye twitched in the slightest before she burst out, "SOAKED YOU SAY?"

Ever since that moment, Ali was never the same again. Particularly on his head. For he has been smacked back with his own waterlogged exercise book against his head.

Miss Munah can just be a fuss sometimes.

Well, not really. More like all the time. Especially on Ali.

Which is why Ali was most relieved when the school bell rang six hours later, signalling the end of school. Ali quickly snatched up his school bag, told Viktor that they would meet online that night, and dashed down right to the ground floor and into the mercifully rain-free courtyard. Despite his excitement, he conceded himself from sprinting and instead to stroll towards a store room set at the far most corner of the courtyard from him.

He constantly checked whether there was anyone around, to make sure that he wasn't being followed, because if they knew...he would be punished like hell for sure.

Much like how someone once did to him.

Once within range of the door, Ali tried to act as normally as he can (as it was proving harder ane harder to do so) to not look suspicious. Then, with a final glance to ensure no one was looking at him, prised open the door and rushed into the room. In a blink of an eye, the door was slammed shut behind him and nothing whatsoever suggested that anyone had entered the lonely store room.

Fully letting his excitement take control of him now, Ali speedily ditched his school bag inside an empty box, grabbed a red-covered stamp book from a dusty shelf, ripped it open, and slammed a stamp of his own on the inner pages. At once, the page flashed momentarily blue, and behind him, a wooden cabinet opened its doors to reveal an empty elevator.

Without quite much of gentleness, he shoved the stamp book roughly back onto its shelf and proceeded to step into the lift. Beside the double doors was a blue panel with a fingerprint scanner. Ali jabbed his finger on it, and immediately the fingerprint symbol became MATA's, and below it, written in glowing white words were: MATA Academy.

The doors slid close, and he felt the lift slid underground, though not emitting even a single sound. Ali could feel his heart almost fluttering right now. He could not wait to meet his best friends: Khai, Moon, Iman, and Rudy.

When the lift doors opened, it was to find that he was no longer inside the store room, but was standing in a white-grey room with only a blue panel similar to that of inside the lift.

Ali tapped on a few buttons on the blue panel. Once finished, a pair of round, silver robots came flying from the ceiling to circle slowly around him, projecting a ray of blue light each.

Ali's school uniform was to be replaced by his red Tekno agent suit, which was released by one of the bots by nanoparticles that latched onto his body, while the other one absorbed his school uniform away.

Once fully changed, a part of the wall on the right slid open to reveal a small hatch; small enough to fit a television. Inside it, stored safely, was his trusty red hoverboard.

Ali took the hoverboard and placed it on his back, where it was held in place by a magnetic force, just at the same time the wall beside split in half to reveal a continuing corridor; white-grey, similar to that of the room he was in.

When he reached the end of the corridor, it was to find that he had emerged inside a small, round waiting room, with silver gleaming seats running around its walls. Flecks of light danced off it like the shimmering surface of water. Directly opposite him, was another empty pod waiting for him to enter.

But before he had taken another step forward, a familiar voice coming from his right nearly made him pee in fright.

"There you are."

The Masked Menace {Ejen Ali Fanfic} {HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now