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Kenj is still courting me. He had delivered some bouquet of flowers here at my house. And bringing me some foods. He's so sweet and caring. I want to give him a yes but not now. I just want to be sure about something.

I glanced to the calendar and tomorrow is the exact date that my parents will go home.

Then tomorrow, I will find out who is the one that arranged in me.

I'm so curious about that. But how about Kenj. I know that he also knew about my arrangement and he's just like relaxing, don't tell me he's----

"KATHRIS AITANA FERNANDEZ!!!" Its like crashing my eardrums because of Janine's yelling.

"Why are you yelling on me?!" I ask and rolled my eyes.

"I'm calling you three times but your mind are flying again. Tss gawk." She said. Yeah I'm staring stupidly again. Tsk.

"Why? Why are you calling me?" I ask.
We're here at the park in our subdivision.

"I said, what is the status of your relationship with Kenj?" She said and sway her swing.

"What kind of question is that? Tsk!"I rolled my eyes.

I stand up from my swing and go to the big tree and lay under it having some shades of the tree. I can see the beautiful creations of God. So beautiful.

"Hey Kai-kai, why don't you answer my question?" She ask and lay down too to my side and look at the clouds.

"I don't answer your question, because I don't know. My answer is I don't know!" I face her while saying that and back my gaze to the clouds.

"Well you need to know it. Just clear it with Kenj." She said.

"He's my suitor and that's all I know." I said.

"Suitor, but you don't know if you will answer him, like yes or no!" Tss. I don't know too about myself, if what will I gonna do. I just only knew from myself that I like Kenj and I think I'm falling for him.

"Tss I don't know." I said.

"Do you want me to join in a party later in a bar?" She said.

"What for?" I ask.

"You know some friends before, in highschool life. Its Zoey." She said, but still processing on my mind who she is.

"You know, the bitch one." She said while smirking. Tss.

"Hmm. Sounds interesting huh. But why we need to go there?" I ask again.

"Because its the advanced reunion of our batch. Her birthday is a month before our reunion. And our other classmates suggested it. So we need to come because all of our classmates will go there." She said and stand up.

"So get up there and we need to be prepared." She said and lay her hands to get me up, I get that and I stand up.

"Okay, let's go." I said.

We just wait the time to be 9:00 pm and now were heading to the bar. I wear skirt and spaghetti sando on top with jeans jacket. And Janine wear shorts and spaghetti sando on top with jeans jacket too.


"So let's go inside?" Janine ask and I just nod and started to walk.

"Oh Janine and Kai! Long time no see!" Said by one man, and I remember him, he's John.

The bar is so noisy, the loud music from the DJ makes the people here dance. And the lights also make it alive.

"Yeah! Long time no see too!" Janine said and give him a high five.

We head to a table with full of drinks, wines and beers with some foods. And our other classmates.

"Hey Kai and Janine, take a shot here!" A man shout on us. We take a sit and get the beer in small glass.

"Thanks!" I said and straightly drink the beer. I closed my eyes and a bitter taste across my throat to my stomach. Its so hot and so bitter.

"Hey Kai, be slowly okay?" Janine said and I just ignored her. I straightly drink again. They are so happy dancing on the dance floor. But I don't care.

"Hey Kai are you okay?" Janine ask. I'm like closing my eyes.

I straightly drink a champagne again.
I think my surroundings are spinning.

"Hey Janine *hik* I need to go to *hik* the comfort *hik* room. Just stay *hik* here." I said even I'm so tipsy.

"I will go with you." Janine said. She's so insistent.

"I said *hik* just stay *hik* here!" I said and go to the c.r. even I'm like drunk zombie walking. I look back and Janine is not following me. Good girl. Tss.

I'm searching for the comfort room for the girls and there I saw the sign. Left for boys and right for girls.

The surroundings are spinning because of that beers psh.

I enter to the left and I saw a familiar face. I can't be wrong to what I'm seeing now.

It's Kenj, kissing with a girl. A bitch one girl and its Zoey.

I didn't notice that my tears are falling down to my face and all I knew is I leave that place immediately and it causes me like a super heart break. And its killing me! Shiz!

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