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I took in a deep breath as I sat on a chair. It was my English class but, of course, I decided to skip it by wasting my time in the library. Even though it was saving me from facing Mr. Kim something just didn't feel right, maybe because I wasn't used to skipping classes.

Paige asked me a million times why I was suddenly being such a badass but I just waved it off by starting another topic of discussion. She was willing to skip the class along with me but couldn't because she had already served two detentions and principal Quinn had warned her that if she receives another detention slip she'll have to write an article for the school magazine. To a lot of students, that's not even a punishment but to Paige it's her worst nightmare.

Pursing my lips, I slowly rested my back on the seat. I wanted to complete my pending work but the uneasiness in me restrained me to do so.

Out of nowhere, I heard someone clearing their throat right behind me. I immediately turned my head around, not thinking much of it but almost jumped on my seat when I saw Mr. Kim standing just behind the chair I was settled on. There weren't any expressions on his face which made me feel even more uneasy than before.

"May I know what're you doing here, miss?" He asked, sternly.

"Um...just working on an assignment." I answered just like the dumb bitch that I am and he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"Are you even aware that it's my class right now?" I prayed internally while shaking my head a little.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Kim. I lost track of time."

"Well, the warning bell just rang. You better make it to class before I do or you'll be stuck in detention." He replied with a straight face and started to leave.

"Mr. Kim!" I called for him in order to catch his attention again and he turned around. Finally, I could see a tinge of discomfort taking over his facial features and body language. He gave me a questioning look as I made my way closer to him. "I-I wanted to...talk about what happened yesterday."

I saw him gulp just as his fingers went up to fix his glasses. "We'll talk about that after class, this isn't the right time."

And then he was out of my sight while I raced down the hall in order to reach the class before he did. Detention was something I had never served and I totally wasn't looking forward to serve any in the future.

I sighed in relief when I didn't see Mr. Kim in the class and made my way towards my seat.

Paige just passed me a weird look but couldn't say anything because just seconds later after my arrival Mr. Kim was seen entering the class with some books clasped between his arm.

His eyes scanned the class and stopped right at me and stayed there for an unhealthy amount of time before he dropped his gaze on the ground.

I couldn't understand anything except the fact that everything weird that was happening between Mr. Kim and I was the outcome of what I did to save Paige's horny ass. I didn't know what he thought of it. Does he consider me a cheap whore? Did he feel violated?

Even if Mr. Kim gave me some indirect answers to all the questions twirling in my mind, I knew I wouldn't be able to comprehend them and it would just end up confusing me more. They were to be answered straightforwardly or it'd just create even bigger misunderstandings.

The class started off and as time passed by, the anxiousness in my system drained away. However, it came back when I actually started paying attention to Mr. Kim's words and whatever he was explaining because that's when I noticed just how much he was stumbling upon his own words and stuttering.

After every five minutes, I caught his eyes glancing over at me. I should've been creeped out but I just found it really amusing, it made me feel like I held some kind of power over him.

"Is it just me or Mr. Kim just gave you the I-want-to-fuck-you-senseless look?" I heard Paige whisper in front of me and I rolled my eyes.

"That's a look?" I asked in a whisper too.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." She turned her head slightly in order to look at me.

I narrowed my eyes in response and she sighed, noticing it. "Fine. I don't get that look, but I give that look a lot. It always works in my favour so who cares?" With that she immediately turned her head just so she doesn't get caught talking in class.

Mr. Kim wasn't his attentive self and I was the reason behind it.

What have I done.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the period and everyone left including Paige who passed me suggestive looks before she actually exited.

I was stood in front of my English Teacher's desk with my back pack slung on one of my shoulders.

There was a minute of silence before I felt his deep voice gracing my ears. "I'm extremely ashamed about what I did yesterday and so I wanted to apologise." He started and I couldn't help but smile.

The fact that he was taking it all upon himself made me respect him so much more than I did before.

"It was barely your fault, Mr. Kim. I initiated it and I'm really very sorry." I dropped my gaze a little. "Also, I wanted to let you know that whatever I did, I did it for a reason and not because I had any feelings for you."


I lifted my head to stare at his face. He was just frozen on his spot with a cold look gracing his features like always. "O-Okay...I think everything's clear now...?" I smiled, nodding my head at his question.

"We're cool now." I grinned, lifting my fist and waiting for him to bump his fist  with mine.

He narrowed his eyes at me, not moving at all and I put my hand down awkwardly.

Ugh, act normal for once you bitch.

With that I just left. And even after all of this 'clearing out things between us' it still felt hella strange.


This is a filler. More coming soon.


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