Brief Explanation

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Okay, so this roleplay has a little bit of - crazy

This Roleplay has been going on since June, and I mean the characters in it are kind of crazy so you may find it weird

Kalani has had 4745743 kids
Abby is actually a physcopath who is married to Allen who is also a physcopath
Abby has a daughter called Alisa
Lilly can be hypnotised by Abby- it's not fun 😂 evil Lilly!
Abby hates Maddie and Alisa and now Lani
Gia is depressed and has attempted suicide
Everyone gets pregnant 😂
Maddie is actually Brookes sister and Mackenzie is Paige's sister
Alisa and Kalani are sisters but Abby won't let that happen
Abby threatens to kill everyone
Abby attacks everyone
Abby is scary
Abby scares me and I play her
Abby's basement is very iconic

I don't know if there's anything else?
If there is you'll see it in these comments 😂

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