1: Results

277 6 301

For anyone who doesn't know I mark people to stay in:
1. Activity. If you warn me in advance or explain why, I'll be lenient. If I know the person is normally a lot more active and it was an off week I'll also be lenient. This is Mark out of 10
2. Style. Is it a style your Character is good at? Is it a harder style? This is also out of 10
3. Choreography. Is it boring? Is it amazing? This is also out of 10
4. The reaction. Is it realistic? I mark it down if it's all perfect (Unless it's a once off) But if it has points where the solo is weak for the person, it is more realistic. If the dance reaction contains something that went horribly wrong (Forgot solo, fell ect) this will effect the score, but will increase the realism score. This is out of 5.
5. Realism. Is your character realistic in general? This is also out of 5.

You can always pm me to know your score. If you happen to not submit a dance or whatever, I normally set your score at 5 - A medium.

"This week was... Interesting." Abby began, spinning her knife.

"Three people will be leaving us. This means if you get 10th or above you are safe for now."

"In 10th we have the brat. This week was about technique, not whatever the hell is wrong with you."
"In 9th is Lilly. I think you were tired this week, your technique is normally flawless! Your still the best dancer here though!"
"Eighth is Paige. You were boring and the technique was lacking"
"Seventh is Sierra. Boring."
"In 6th is Sophia Lucia, I don't know what happened, your normally flawless!"
"In fifth is Alisa. Ew"
"Forth is Kalani. If you stopped getting pregnant you might be able to learn basic technique."
"Third is Sophia Turner. You were good. Surprisingly."
"Second is Mackenzie, obviously ignoring all the others has paid off, keep it up."
"Chloe, Lynn, Kaitlyn and McKenna. One of you is our winner, the other is going home."

"Chloe, you are today's winner. Congratulations."

"Lynn, Kaitlyn and McKenna, I'm sorry, today is not your day."

(I'M SORRY! 😭)
Please do not worry if your out, this is only a mini version and in June I will be doing a larger version which will hopefully have a lot more people in it and all which would allow you to stay in longer :)

Also, I'm not tagging people who are out but there is a texting chain being introduced where they can still text the others :)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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