Chapter Three: Blizzards and the Guitar

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(A/N: Please tell me if I made any mistakes!)

Staying where I was, I kept my position for a few more minutes. There was no way I was going to go out there and face the Blizzards, they just took out a whole band of soldiers just in a few seconds, but I had to keep moving. The cold winds were settling in, and it was started to drizzle. Slowly I picked myself up, keeping my eyes on the tall gray walls, the Blizzards could still be there, waiting to see if any other soldiers would appear.

Stalking out of the small makeshift cave, I walked towards the bodies. the corpses looked frostbitten and the light snowfall made them look like they were lying there for days.

Quickly, I ran to a boulder and hide behind it, I now had a good view of the top of the wall. No one was there. Inhaling a deep breath, I walked farther away from the bloody mess, staying close to the wall for cover. Once I passed a hill, I stopped to look around again. No one was there, the place was silent, you might even say too silent, but I was in a deadly place where no one would go so I suppose it would be.

Keeping low, I took off into a low glide. As I reached a small mound of rocks, a landed, I was still close the wall and the corpses were now in the distance. A chill ran through me as I heard the sound of snow being compressed. That could only mean one thing. Footsteps.

"Can I help you?" A questioning voice came from the wall, it was clear and strong, but it had a bored icy edge to it. Turning around I saw five men in white assassin-like suits staring down at me from the wall. Their hoody's and white masks made them look even more intimidating than they already were. These men were big, and with owl shaped wings, it gave them an even bigger appearance.

'I'm dead.' Those were the only words I could think at the moment.

"Eehh, no, nope, and nada. I-I'm okay... I best be off. Byyyye!" Springing off into a run, and probably looking like a crazed horse, I leaped upwards as a sharp dagger-like ice sickle shattered below me. Dodging a few more blades, I shot upwards into the sky. Looking down at the blizzards they were shooting ice blades at me from their hands!

"Where is the ice coming from!?" I sobbed. It had to happen, the air around me started to blow harder, and snow started to fall, the blizzard was about to begin.

Before I knew it, all I could see was white. The hard snow pushed me back to the ground until I could not move. I was on my knees, the snow hit me like sharp ice, and breathing became difficult. I felt something push me to my side, then I felt my sword jerk.

'There trying to take it!' I screamed in my head. 'My precious! It's my sword! Your kind already has three other gems! They're trying to put it in their pocketsess!'

.....I watch way to many human movies.

I lifted my foot to kick the hand away from my sword when suddenly a red light appeared in the sky, it gave off a wave of heat. The snowstorm died down quickly, and there I saw a large band of Thanafal soldiers armed with flamethrowers and swords and rock guitars.

'Thank goodness.' I breathed a sigh of relief. I then pause for a moment pondering, '...but what are the guitars for?'

The assassins quickly surrounded me, it seemed that they were either protecting me or just the sword. The leading assassin pulled out his katana, it looked thicker than any usual katana. The blade shone silver-blue hue, and before you could say pizza-unicorn, he had two katanas. The other Blizzards quickly did the same.

"Pizza-unicorn," They whispered simultaneously, as their cloaks whipped around them in supreme awesomeness.

'What tha-,' my thought was cut short as a guitar crashed onto my head, it's broken strings playing a sad melody.

Rifts in the Dimensions #1- How I Joined a Rebellion and Became BadassOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz