Chapter One

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Bang, bang. I hammer my wrinkled flyer into a wooden post, forcing the nails into the aged wood. Crowds of people walk along the streets, including sellers who attempt to sell their wares to those who pass them by. Carriages clang behind me, the hooves of horses leading the noise.

I have spent the day moving my flyers from one part of Nantucket to the other, hoping to attract new customers. Lately, my small business of appliance repair has not been as steady as it once was, making it increasingly difficult to provide for my sister Adeline. It seems like I have been moving my flyers more and more often.

I move to the next spot: outside the whaling building. Bang, bang. I glance inside a nearly window and am shocked by what I see.

Charts boasting the statistics of whales reach high to the ceiling, filled with numbers and names. A man standing on a ladder attempts to keep up with the requests and commands that are seemingly being shot at him by the whalers crowding below.

Men bearing whale teeth around their necks stroll in and out of the building, some wearing as many as six or seven. Some part of me seems to want one of my own.

I pry my curious gaze from the window and instead focus yet again on the task of putting up my flyers.
Money is what is going to keep Adeline and I alive, not my curiosity. I begin to walk away but hear someone calling my name from afar.

"Charlie! Wait!" I hear my friend Myra yell from across the bustling street. Many people turn and stare at the two of us, making my face turn a deep crimson.

"Myra, why must you be so loud?" I say softly, my face turned towards the ground to hide it from curious onlookers.

"I want to be with you, silly! Besides, if I hadn't raised my voice, you would have just continued walking around putting those flyers on every street corner." She says all of this bearing a stupid grin on her face, making me roll my eyes and smile with her.
"Well, for your information, these flyers are the only thing keeping me from living on the streets. It's how I advertise."

"It looks like you need a new form of advertisement," she replies, snatching one of the ancient papers from my hand. "Either that or you need to remake them. I mean, just look at them! They look centuries old!" She isn't wrong. All of the fliers bare frayed edges from wind and rain. The text, which reads Charlie Arthrow's Appliance Repair, 43 Darbury Lane, Open Monday through Friday, has smudged and is almost illegible.

I give a nonchalant shrug and continue on my way. Myra follows. But this time, she doesn't seem as carefree and lighthearted. I sense it before I feel her hand gently grab my shoulder and hold me back.

"Charlie, I need to talk to you about this," she says grimly.

"There is nothing to talk about Myra. My business is going just fine as is."

"Oh, come on Charlie! We both know that isn't true! Your business has been on a decline for months now and your barely making enough to get basic nessessities. Just come work at the bookstore with me! I know you've declined my offer before but...I think it's about time that you take me up on my offer."

"I don't take handouts, Myra. You know that. Besides, you don't even know what my situation is like right now. I haven't told you anything, so don't start ranting like you know everything about me," I say sternly. Myra looks like she might say something, but stays quiet.

   I walk away towards the direction of home and don't look back.


    I open the door to my run down cottage and, as usual, my sister immediately runs to greet me.

    "Charlie!" she exclaims, her small hands grasping my skirt.

    "How was your day with Mrs. Dalton?" I ask.

    "It was so much fun! I wish you could have been there with Vinny and I." Vinny Dalton and Adeline both participate in classes during the week.   Since there aren't any proper venues for education in Nantucket, I figured Mrs. Dalton would be the best option for Adeline while I am away putting up flyers and working.

      "Would you like to help me with dinner tonight Adeline?" She nods excitedly and we head to the kitchen.  She stirs the pot while I chop the vegetables for a simple stew. We grow them ourselves, which makes the plain meal seem all the better.

     "This looks so yummy! Thanks for letting me help Charlie," Adaline says with a grin as we set our bowls on our small dinner table. I respond with a warm smile and indulge in the stew with her. How can someone be so happy over something so insignificant?

    We finish after a while, talking and laughing all the way through dinner. I clean up while she hums a song and gives a flower in the garden a few drops of water.

     "Adeline! Come inside; it's time for bed!" I yell while wiping my hands off on my skirt. She skips inside and heads for her room, clearly anxious for me to sing her a lullaby. I follow her and find her already under her sheets, squirming excitedly.

    "Calm down; you look like a wriggling worm, you silly girl!" I tickle her a bit and she lets out a delighted laugh. I sit next to her on the small bed.

     "I can't help it Charlie! Your lullabies are the best."

     "Ok, ok. Close your eyes and relax now." I recollect one of my favorites and decide to sing it.

Night is falling,
darkness is near.
Sleep, sleep,
close your eyes and sleep.

Sleep my little child while you are young and free.
May the Lord protect you when you go to sea.
Listen to my song; don't grow up too soon.
The sea is waiting for you 'neath the moon.

    I watch as a soft grin spreads across her face as she begins to drift into a deep sleep. I rise from the bed, careful not to stir her too much, and head to my own bedroom. I shut the door and change into my nightgown before lying down myself.

    I don't feel drowsy, though I should after such a long day. I wrap my callused fingers around the locket I wear around my neck; its the only thing I have to remember my parents. I wasn't able to save anything but the locket and my sister from the fire that took everything from me.

     I hardly even notice the tear that slides down my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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