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warning- this chapter deals with abuse in a relationship.

          When I was a child I was always told that stars can grant wishes. That if you wish on a star, the gods may come down and bless that wish into reality. That idea fascinated me. I would always stare at the stars dreaming of my wish that I would want to be granted. One day in class a teacher showed me how to make little paper stars. Little colorful strips turned into the kind wishes I want. We were all handed a small jar, and every day after our lunches we would write down a wish, turn it into a star, and place it in the jar. Little by little kids stopped writing them. They're jars would slowly stop filling with their hopes. I never stopped. I filled and then filled and filled. Writing down small wishes, I wish I get good grades. I wish my mom would buy me tasty food like the others, I wish my stuffed animals were real.

            I never stopped doing them. Even as I grew up I had jars filled with paper stars. I stopped doing them daily eventually yet whenever I had a wish I would write one. They stopped getting as light-hearted as time progressed. I wish my parents would stop fighting. I wish my dad will stop hurting mother. I wish they'd stop asking questions.

                They got worse and worse. And they got even worse when I got in my first serious relationship. I wish he'd stop. I wish I'd stop bleeding. I wish these bruises would go away. I wish he'd stop hitting.

                 He said he loved me. He said he never means to hurt me. Yet, he does. Yet, I stare at my own bloodied hands mixed with my tears every night as I write my wish. For it to stop. But they never come true. My wishes, my calls for help are unanswered. I never know why; I believe there are those that answer wishes. It happened to all the kids in my class... why never me? I can't handle it tonight. I hurt, everywhere. My eyes are puffed and sore from crying. I write down what I've always truly wanted. I'm no longer dodging. I write on the small yellow strip of paper, I wish, to see my true soulmate. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I was just hoping to be able to see if he really did love me. But like always nothing happened. I hung it on my roof, where I put my deepest wishes, and went to bed. However, when I woke, I discovered a strange floating man above me, saying he was sent from the stars.

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