Home Late

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I stayed at the lab late today. I couldn't figure out that formula for hours, and the worst part is that the answer was staring straight at me. Sometimes I feel like such an idiot.

I got home just early of 3 A.M. The elevator to the apartment broke down last week so there I go walking up stairs for six floors, totally sleep deprived, and feeling as if I'll faceplants on the stairs without even making it to the first floor.

Luckily I made it to the sixth floor and to the door of my apartment. As I got the door I heard what sounded like the loudest Infomercial about detergent in the world playing in my apartment. I opened the door rather quietly, because even though the TV was on at full blast I didnt want to wake my neighbors up. One, if not both, of my roommates probably fell asleep on the couch watching TV.

I opened the door and just as I thought Ash was collapsed on the couch, drool dripping from her open mouth. I walked over to her and touched her neck to check her pulse making sure she was alive, then walked over to the hallway closet to get her a blanket. I walked back and laid the blanket on her and took her dirty-blonde hair out of her mouth.

I walked down the hall and heard grunting and snoring coming out of Josh's room. As I took a step past the door I heard a loud thump. A walked back and opened the door to see what it was. I find Josh, dead asleep on the floor. I realize that thunk was him falling off his bed. I walked over to him to make sure he was ok. I checked his pulse because he wasnt moving and the room had no light except for the one shining from the hallway. I couldn't find his pulse which made me shake frantically in panic. Finally I find it but because of my shaking I woke him up. He stares at me for a second before asking

"Whats wrong?"
"You fell off your bed and I was checking to feel a pulse." I said, my voice still a bit shaky.
"Oh, ok. Thanks. Good night." He said as he climbed back onto his bed and falls back asleep.
"Sleep well" I say, leaving the room and closing the door gently behind me.

I walked further down the hall to the bathroom which was the door right next to mine. I walk in and splash some water on my face and look up to see my reflection. Only then do I notice the very visible bags under my eyes. They might as well be Gucci purses. I switch off the light and walk around the corner to my room. I collapse onto my bed and lay there for a minute before falling asleep.

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