Lizzie's Master Plan

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Im going through everyone in this btw
Lizzie had a MASTER PLAN! (LDShadowLady) She would drink her invisibility potions and attack people with potions of harming! What could go wrong right? So she took off all of her armour and drank the invisibility potion...
(I'm not gonna spoil anything but the a few of the kills, how they died, and the plans!) Lizzie survived very long with no kills. But, young Lizzie was getting very greedy... She saw the most powerful person on the server, he hit mobs once and they'd be dead! His name was... JOEY!!! She went for the kill! (I was yelling at her when she did this •-•) She threw a potion of harming! He got hit but somehow knew to look up! She jumped in and they fought!!! It was an epic battle but sadly... Lizzie was MURDERED!!!! Goodbye Lizzie...

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