Chapter 9

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Had it ever crossed my mind that the gossip and bullshit at school would stop? Absolutely not. And unsurprisingly, that was the case. Even though last night had probably been one of the best nights of my life, it wasn't one I'd like to be shared with the public. But that wasn't my decision to make now was it? Because suddenly other people had control over my private life. Idiots. 

Thankfully I had Cher to remind me that I was the one with the super romantic famous boyfriend and that jealousy was what made people hate. She was right, but it was still hard to cope. 

Come afternoon, half of the school day had passed and Andy was nowhere to be found. Knowing him, I figured he'd skipped class to attend some underground B boy competition so I didn't really give it much thought. I missed him terribly in dance class, so I called him afterwards. No response. I was about to text him when a call from Liam interrupted me. 

I picked it up immediately, my lips curving into a huge grin as I pressed the phone to my ear. Cher walked besides me pressing her body to mine as much as she could to overhear the conversation. 

After a whole minute of the typical 'you hang up- no you hang up' ordeal, I slid the phone back in my pocket only to find Cher eyeing me inpatiently. 

"What?" I semi- laughed.

I opened the door to my locker and started shoving in the books from my bag. Cher stood besides me, arms crossed and clearing her throat numerous times.

"Well are you gonna tell me? What did he say?" she exclaimed.

I closed my locker and threw the strap of my bag over my shoulder. I sighed before finally letting Cher out of her misery. 

"Liam asked me out on a second date," I said simply, biting my lip as I did.

Cher had her eyes wide with insatisfaction. She wasn't haven't it. "Ehem, more details? You're killing me here!" 

I laughed and started walking in the direction of the parking lot. "Friday, 7:30, his flat, he's cooking, movie afterwards, ask your uncle to extend your curfew." 

Cher stopped and started jumping up and down like a fool. "Ok, ok, you guys are officially a couple." she said as if she'd won the lottery. 

"Cher. Two dates, barely. We're not a couple," I stated walking ahead of her.

"But, ugh, you totally are though, you guys just clicked from the very beginning, you can't deny something like that!" 

She was right, but I wasn't going to tell her that or she'd never shut up. Tyler was waiting for us like he did everyday, leaning on the hood of his Range Rover and looking like a model with his aviator shades and winning smile. Did I ever tell you our family had good genes? Well, they skipped me apparently considering I wasn't drop dead gorgeous, but they certainly showed on Tyler.

Ironically enough, while we were in the car Tyler announced that he'd been hired to work at Hollister. You'd wonder why SImon Cowell's son would want to work but it was all a part of Tyler's wish to be a normal teen. We all rejoiced for him but Cher eventually turned into super jealous girlfriend mode and started questioning Tyler on his faithfullness considering the number of gorgeous girls working at Hollister. Tyler gave her the usual 'baby you know I'd never do that to you, you know I love you', normally I would've said it was a load of bullshit, but knowing Tyler my whole life I knew when he was lying, and I was positive he was being completely truthful to Cher. But of course, my best friend wasn't that easy to convince. Tyler drove us to the mall as well instead of driving home as Cher insisted in keeping an eye on him at least on his first day. 

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